
Press Release

The House Announces Plan to Restore Constitutionalism

This is about restoring a government where the people are the ultimate source of power, not unknown and unelected employees of the executive branch.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy and Chairman McCaul Announce Counterterrorism Legislation

As we mourn and pray, we must also respond to the threat ISIS poses to our homeland. We must secure our nation from terrorism and prevent radicalization here at home so the American people can be…

Press Release

The House Unveils Task Force Solutions to Grow Our Economy and Help Small Businesses

Each and every regulation produced in Washington should help Americans live lives a little better than the day before, and if it fails to produce those results, we just shouldn’t have it.

Press Release

The Public Needs IRS Accountability

The IRS has shown itself untrustworthy, and we should not allow the agency access to any information it does not need to do its job.

Press Release

Leader McCarthy Announces Floor Action in Response to Orlando Terrorist Attack

We continue to mourn the loss of the innocent American lives. They were taken because of terrorism. I want to lay out to you exactly what we’ve been doing about it and the actions that we’ve…
