Tax Reform

Americans annually spend an estimated $168 billion dollars and more than six billion hours to abide by our nation’s outdated and cumbersome tax code. Our code is comprised of an ever expanding tax system with an infinite number of rules and regulations. For too long, politicians have been promising a simple, fair and competitive tax system with little to show for it.

One thing is clear: the time for passing common-sense legislation to reform our outdated, onerous and complicated tax code is now.

Washington must close loopholes, flatten the code, lower rates and repatriate wealth back to our shores. In making these common-sense adjustments, American job creators will finally be able to focus their time, energy and resources on hiring new employees and growing their businesses rather than ensuring they are complying with our complicated tax code.

More on Tax Reform

October 25, 2016 Op-ed

New Horizons for New Hampshire in Manchester provides critical services, such as food, shelter, medicine and addiction counseling for our state’s homeless population. I recently visited there, helping volunteers to deliver hot meals to needy Granite Staters. When I was mayor of Manchester, I made their plight a priority, conceiving a 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness, and am proud to continue my work to alleviate poverty with House Republicans.

October 3, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,

September 29, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Janet Yellen faced a question from Congressman Frank Guinta today that should have been easy for the Federal Reserve Chair, who testified to the strength of the U.S. economy but could not identify the Labor Force Participation Rate, a key economic indicator, which currently sits at an historically low level.

September 15, 2016 Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading advocate for small businesses, yesterday awarded Congressman Frank Guinta (NH-01) with its biennial Guardian of Small Business Award for his outstanding support of America’s small business owners in the 114th Congress. 

August 15, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,

    Last month's jobs report was a good one, reflecting the resilience of the American worker and small business people, who will continue to drive this country forward. Naturally, their excitement has been subdued. Year-over-year, the economy is producing fewer jobs in 2016. Economic growth is lower. In 2016, we had the lowest monthly job growth (in May) since the recession.

June 17, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,

    At my town hall in Rochester last week, the country's $19 trillion debt -- while the federal government collected record taxes during the first five months of the fiscal year -- was the subject on everyone's mind.

June 17, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,

    Among economic recoveries since 1960, our current one ranks last, underperforming even the Administration's own estimates. We can do better.

  Taking into account population growth, net job growth has been negative. In fact, trickle-down economic policies from Washington have produced more food stamp recipients than new jobs. 

June 17, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,   

    Congress voted in favor of a $1.1 trillion spending bill yesterday. I did not, although there are some provisions in the so-called "Omnibus" I support. For instance, I led the fight to repeal Obamacare’s onerous Cadillac tax, its medical device tax, an Internet service tax, and to increase funding to combat heroin abuse.    

June 17, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,

    Please join me at my Seniors Town Hall in Manchester on Mondayat the Carol Rines Center on Elm Street. I'll meet you there at 3 p.m. to talk about my effort in Congress to grant Social Security beneficiaries a fully paid for cost-of-living (COLA) adjustment, after the Social Security Administration recently announced no increase for Granite State seniors next year.

June 17, 2016 Newsletters

Dear Granite Stater,    

As I travel New Hampshire, Granite Staters tell me they want a fiscally responsible government, which is transparent, accountable and helps to solve the real problems this country faces.