Congressman Mark Meadows

Representing the 11th District of North Carolina


Rep. Meadows' Statement on New FBI Documents

Oct 17, 2016
Press Release

Washington, D.C – On Monday, the FBI released additional documents on the investigation of the State Department and Secretary Clinton’s private email server. In response to the new information, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) released the following statement:

“The documents released today by the FBI demonstrate what the American people already knew—that Secretary Hillary Clinton acted both recklessly and dangerously with classified information and inexplicably received no consequences for doing so. Furthermore, State Department official Patrick Kennedy’s request for the FBI to alter the classification markings on Secretary Clinton’s emails in exchange for “quid pro quo” suggests that the State Department deliberately sought ways to cover up Secretary Clinton’s actions. This is unacceptable—had any American on Main Street acted in the same manner as Secretary Clinton, there would be serious consequences.”  

