Congressman Mark Meadows

Representing the 11th District of North Carolina



More on Agriculture

Oct 21, 2016 In The News

Based on his voting record on key issues prioritized and tracked by the American Farm Bureau Federation in this session of Congress, 11th District House Rep. Mark Meadows was presented the “Friend of Farm Bureau” Award at Haywood County Farm Bureau’s annual meeting on Monday, Oct. 17.

Jun 2, 2015 Opinion Piece

On the tail end of a long holiday weekend after members of Congress had left Washington to return home to their districts, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers announced the sweeping final “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, which defines which streams, rivers, ponds, wetlands, ditches, and waterways are subject to the regulations of the Clean Water Act. The rule massively broadens the scope of the agency's power.

Sep 12, 2014 Press Release

This week, the American Farm Bureau Federation named Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) a Friend of the Farm Bureau for the 113th Congress.

According to the Farm Bureau, the award is given to individuals who “have supported Farm Bureau issues, as demonstrated by their voting record.” The award is given to individuals who were nominated by their local or state Farm Bureau and approved by the Board of Directors of the Farm Bureau.