Despite Changes, Water Bill Faces Certain Demise in the Senate

Crapo Immediately Places Hold on Bill Following Business Meeting

Thursday June 18, 2009

Contact: Matt Dempsey (202)224-9797

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said following the EPW business meeting today that, despite cosmetic changes made to the Clean Water Restoration Act, the bill faces certain demise if it ever reaches the Senate floor. 


“The superficial changes made to this bill don’t change its underlying intention and ultimate effect: to radically expand federal power over farms, ranches, and private property,” Senator Inhofe said following the business meeting.  “We heard plenty of  talk about a grand compromise to address concerns from rural America.  Yet in the end, the revised bill, which passed on a party-line vote, still lacks support from a large swath of rural stakeholders.


“I am pleased to support Senator Crapo’s hold on the bill.  On the very outside chance this bill ever actually reaches the Senate floor, I will work closely with Senator Crapo and others to defeat it and ensure that we protect private property owners, farmers, ranchers, and all those affected by the bill’s regulatory overreach. 


“This bill is further proof that Washington doesn’t ’get’ rural America.  The Democrats are moving a bill  that  amounts to the biggest bureaucratic power grab in a generation--and it’s directed right at America's heartland. In fact, this bill is a significant part of a hostile agenda—whether it’s new energy taxes from cap-and-trade or more unfunded mandates from Washington—aimed squarely at rural America.” 




Inhofe Opening Statement from Business Meeting


Oklahoma Farm Report: Senator Jim Inhofe Predicts Success in Stopping Cap & Trade and Clean Water Restoration Bills on the Floor of the Senate


Inhofe in, YouTube Video, Warns of "Biggest Bureaucratic Power Grab in a Generation" 
