Chris Van HollenVerified account


Ranking Member, . Represent Maryland's 8th District. Follows, replies & RTs ≠ endorsement.

Maryland's 8th District
Joined December 2008

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  1. Congrats to & on the successful rocket launch!

  2. Thanks for the tour! Fascinating look at research to help veterans, kids w/ learning disabilities, & many more

  3. . has been providing women and men with quality health care for 100 years - here's to 100 more!

  4. Poverty should not be grounds for imprisonment. Thank you AG Frosh for targeting predatory bail practices.

  5. Honored to receive award for work to pass & improve ABLE Act. Thx to their advocacy, we're advancing this critical issue of equality!

  6. Shimon Peres and his unyielding dedication to peace made the world safer and Israel stronger. His leadership will be sorely missed.

  7. Thanks for this award & all the great work you do. I won't stop fighting for access to quality health care and funding!

  8. Women deserve control over their health care decisions, full stop. Proud to stand w/ in support of reproductive freedom!

  9. Together, we can beat pediatric cancer. Join me & for our annual Summit this Friday, 9/23—

  10. Proud to have fought for this project that will make life easier for patients, visitors and staff at

  11. No more Band-Aids, no more excuses. We must deal w/ the unacceptable congestion on I-270 now.

  12. Honored to help lead the effort to bring a clinic to Gaithersburg to improve access to care for Maryland's

  13. We have a bipartisan bill to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns. , let us vote!

  14. There is ‘overwhelming' support for to keep guns out of terrorists’ hands:

  15. Thousands fell victim to gun violence during 's 7 week recess. When will we vote to stop the carnage?

  16. Proud to vote yes on bill to improve career/tech ed and pathways to good jobs. These programs are critical for MD’s future!

  17. We will those we lost, the courage of our 1st responders or our ability as Americans to stand united in the face of adversity.

  18. , , , vacancy & more critical issues remain unaddressed. Time to , GOP!

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