EPW MajorityVerified account


Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works - Majority

Washington, DC
Joined January 2013

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  1. 1956 was the beginning of the Interstate system, connecting & establishing the America we know today

  2. . speaks at the National Press Club on the 60th Anniversary of the Interstate Highway System.

  3. . on the Senate passage of the Lautenberg Act: "this is a big deal"

  4. reforms to create uniform standards protecting interstate commerce, the economy & all Americans

  5. reforms to protect small biz and ensure bureaucratic hurdles don't create burdensome mandates

  6. reforms to require EPA to make work available to public & Congress.

  7. Congress has taken many steps on reform. This transparent process has unified large base to fix a broken law.

  8. Happening now: Bipartisan press conference on reform

    , , and 3 others
  9. . brings her granddaughter to our markup for National Bring Your Kids to Work today!

  10. .: litigation on won’t be resolved until likely ‘18 - meaning regs will be blocked for at least 2yrs

  11. Wed's hearing on the effects of the OAdmn’s Climate Rhetoric will not be lacking excitement…

  12. .: negotiates Flint deal, addressing a genuine problem w/o adding to deficit

  13. Is Obama's EPA trumping the states for no other reason than because it can? tackles that here ->

  14. If Congress doesn’t act on RFS, ’s McCabe tells that EPA will take control in 2022

  15. In Q&A w/ , ’s McCabe says there’s no place for corn ethanol in RFS Program

  16. Didn't get to attend this morning's presser? You watch it here:

  17. .: the Lautenberg legacy has been fulfilled

  18. All we want for Christmas is .

  19. S. Eule for , on development of Oadm climate plan: "Didn't consult business and didn't consult Congress"

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