T&I CommitteeVerified account


Transportation & Infrastructure Committee: Aviation, Maritime, Highway, Transit, Railroad, Pipeline, Hazmat, Water Resource

Washington, D.C.
Joined April 2009

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  1. in 1895, George Selden received the first US patent for 1st gasoline-driven car.

  2. in 1965, Lee Ann Roberts Breedlove became first woman to break 300mph in the "Spirit of America."

  3. Great work again by our dedicated Coast Guard service members.

  4. in 1947, Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose made its first flight as the world's largest flying boat.

  5. in 1957, the Mackinac Bridge, Western hemisphere's longest suspension between anchorages, opened.

  6. in 1913, the first paved coast-to-coast highway, the Lincoln , was dedicated.

  7. . report found EPA rule “rife with legal shortcuts” & “predetermined conclusions”

  8. Report finds the Obama Administration prioritized politics over policy in their rulemaking process.

  9. . report: EPA marginalized science, economics, public comments, Corps & more in politicized rule

  10. in 1825, the Erie Canal opened in upstate NY. The 363-mile connected Lake Erie and the Hudson River.

  11. The Transportation Committee is on . Read our first post

  12. I just published “With all the talk about partisan gridlock in Congress these days, it is easy for many Americans…”

  13. in 1931, the upper level of the George Washington opened for traffic between New York & New Jersey.

  14. in 1931, the upper level of the George Washington opened for traffic between New York & New Jersey.

  15. in 1914, U.S. gov owned vehicles 1st used to pick up mail. A letter carrier loads a mail truck in .

  16. Congratulations to for their successful Antares launch last night.

  17. Check out this video of our accomplishments so far this

  18. in 1943, 's new subway system officially opened . (Photo staged using actors prior to opening)

  19. , , and 4 others

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