  • Comments • 4

    Heal the Harbor Research Institute
    Great work Donna Edwards! So here is some more... the oil spill problem was solved 22 years ago. but B.P. had everyone involved under a secrecy agreement and so the Bearded Profit of Progress and the WE Solution (my brother) posted the video as "Oil Spill Solution" on You Tube. We want Congress to outlaw the use of oil spill dispersants, oil sinking agents and require the oil industry to spend 5 billion to fund the U.S. Coast Guard to respond with helicopters and C130 cargo aircraft to freeze contain and salvage future oil spills from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. Thank You!
    dustin likens
    This woman is a perfect example of an imbecile and a moron. I just saw her on Neil Cavuto, and we all know that Neil knows his economics. When he asked her pointed questions, her answers were so robotic of Democrat talking points that they verged on the absurd. She said that we are in three wars therefore there is room to cut money from defense. LOL! Then she fell back on Bush, Iraq, and everyone's favorite: Republicans want to "destroy" and "decimate" healthcare and hurt seniors. I find it difficult to even consider someone that stupid to be a part of the human race, although I find it very easy to believe that Democrats would vote for such a brainless fool.
    Ma'am, you and the other Democrat members of Congress have my sincere gratitude for what you are trying to do for us.
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