Press Releases

Ellmers on House GOP Obamacare Repeal and Replacement Plan

House Republicans Today Unveiled a Proposal that Will Repeal and Replace Obamacare and Implement Reforms to Strengthen Medicare and Provide Additional Healthcare Options to Patients at Lower Costs

Washington, June 22, 2016 | comments

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) issued the below release after House Republicans introduced their proposal for repealing and replacing Obamacare, strengthening Medicare, and providing more healthcare choices at a lower cost to patients.

“I first decided to run for office back in 2010 after hearing about the president’s proposed takeover of our healthcare system. Having served as a nurse, I knew how detrimental Obamacare would be to patients and families and the severe impact it would have on our economy. Since then, I have been eager –and committed— to providing the American people with a better way forward. Today’s plan proposed by House Republicans gives every American that reality.


“We have hit the reset button on Obamacare and delivered again on our promise to repeal and replace this law. As a long-serving member of the House Doctors Caucus and the Republican Study Committee, my colleagues and I have worked tirelessly to replace Obamacare with patient-centered reforms. It is empowering to see today’s healthcare roll out include many of the same ideas that were hammered out within these very committees, as well as new and fresh concepts incorporated into the final plan.

“Our plan returns power to the patient, giving them the opportunity to make their own healthcare decisions as opposed to the government making it for them. This proposal, and this roll out, is bigger than just a replacement bill – it’s a conservative, long-term vision that will be used to guide decisions as we make substantive reforms to our nation’s healthcare system.”



Click here to read the House Republican proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare.

As outlined on the Speaker’s website, this plan will:

1)      More choices and lower costs. Our plan gives you more control and more choices so that you can pick the plan that meets your needs—not Washington’s mandates.

2)     Real protections and peace of mind. Our plan makes sure that you never have to worry about being turned away or having your coverage taken away—regardless of age, income, medical conditions, or circumstances.

3)     Cutting-edge cures and treatments. Our plan clears out the bureaucracy to accelerate the development of life-saving devices and therapies.

4)     A stronger Medicare. Our plan protects Medicare for today’s seniors and preserves the program for future generations.

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg. | 202.225.4531