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Congressman Albio Sires

Representing the 8th District of New Jersey


I work every day to support seniors and to ensure the strength and long-term solvency of Medicare and Social Security. Since their inception, the Medicare and Social Security programs have assisted seniors with the costs of health care and living.  Americans rely on these programs not only for their health and long term care, but also for everyday expenses. Americans have paid into the system their entire lives anticipating that once they retire, they will be guaranteed the benefits they rightfully deserve. While we must work to increase the efficiency of Medicare and Social Security, we cannot abandon our commitment to those who currently rely on them. I strongly oppose proposals to raise out-of-pocket costs or cut benefits for Medicare and Medicaid or proposals that would reduce Social Security benefits. For more information on the Medicare and Social Security programs please visit: and

The Affordable Care Act further strengthens Medicare and assists beneficiaries in taking charge of their health care.  The law provides important benefits such as free preventative services, free annual wellness visits, and a 50 percent discount on prescription drugs for Medicare recipients in the coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”  Over 132,000 seniors in New Jersey alone have seen lower prescription drug costs as a result of this law.  For more information on the Affordable Care Act and its impact on Medicare beneficiaries, please visit

In March, 2015, I joined my colleagues in voting to addresses the constant uncertainty that seniors and their doctors have faced over the last two decades as a result of the broken Medicare sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula. I supported H.R. 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, which would put the threat of drastic payment cuts behind us so that both doctors and seniors can have the assured continuation of care that they deserve. In addition to getting rid of the SGR formula, H.R. 2 also includes a number of important health care priorities for children, seniors, and families.  Specifically, it would expand funding for Community Health Centers, which are critical in ensuring that millions of people have access to primary care. Community Health Centers are often the only point of access for health care for seniors across the country and play a vital role in our health care system. Passing this reform measure is a step in the right direction for the Medicare program.

More on Seniors

Oct 23, 2015

I advocated on behalf of the people of the 8th District this week by attending several important hearings, meeting with government officials and foreign diplomats, and cosponsoring important legislation.

May 1, 2015

It was a busy week in New Jersey and in Washington with events in the 8th District, meetings with groups from New Jersey, and committee hearings.

Mar 27, 2015

This week in Washington, I participated in a Western Hemisphere Subcommittee hearing, attended a Joint Session of Congress, met with a foreign ambassador, discussed important topics with several constituent groups, and voted on important pieces of legislation.

Mar 26, 2015

(Washington, D.C.) – Yesterday, Congressman Sires voted against the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Republican Budget Resolution (H.Con.Res. 27) submitted by Representative Tom Price (R-GA) because of its misplaced priorities.  The Republican budget ends the Medicare guarantee, repeals the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and guts investments in education and infrastructure.

Oct 17, 2013
I am relieved that Congress has finally broken through the gridlock that initiated the government shutdown. Although 16 days is far too long for this stalemate to have occurred, thousands of American families woke up today knowing that not only can they pay their bills, but the United States of America can continue paying its bills.
Aug 16, 2013
Several weeks ago, 130 of my congressional colleagues and I sent a letter to President Obama urging him to conduct a thorough examination of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance programs and assess their functionality. Our letter called for him to consider citizens’ privacy rights and the safety of our nation. Every aspect of these data collection programs must be thoroughly inspected and, if necessary, changed before they continue to be implemented.
Jul 12, 2013
Last week in Washington, the House of Representatives debated critical policies affecting millions of Americans regarding food stamp funding and immigration reform.
Jun 21, 2013
This week, Congress debated critical policies that would deeply affect American’s across the nation. The House voted on legislation that would restrict women’s rights and legislation that would have cut food aid for nearly two million Americans, mostly working families and seniors. Furthermore, the 113th Congress has been in session for 170 days, and House leadership has yet to bring a jobs bill or a budget agreement before the House of Representatives. This week, however, I was able to join my colleagues on the Congressional Hispanic Caucus for a meeting with Speaker John Boehner to discuss immigration reform, and I was also proud to introduce new legislation that would greatly benefit our communities. Lastly, I wrote an editorial piece to inform the public about the dangerous situation in North Korea, and the growing unity in Congress to establish solutions. I encourage you to continue reading my Washington Review for detailed updates.
Jun 14, 2013
This is a very critical time in Congress; student loan interest rates are set to double on July 1st, and Medicare and Social Security are in danger of damaging and unreasonable cuts. As we work to reduce the deficit, we must be careful that we do so wisely while protecting those who cannot afford it. I encourage you to continue reading to learn more about the work I’ve done to address these issues.