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Throughout the health care debate over the past year, I have consistently argued against expanding the federal government’s control over the health decisions made by individual Americans.  Congress should never have passed health reform that imposes job-killing taxes, inserts government between the doctor and the patient, and cuts services Louisiana seniors depend on.  Now that health care reform has become law, I am working with my colleagues to repeal this legislation and replace it with common-sense health reform that will give all Americans access to quality, affordable health care.

We can improve our health care system by putting patients in charge of their own health care, through health savings accounts and other forms of tax-deductible savings programs.   Insurance premiums can become more affordable for everyone by allowing consumers to purchase insurance across state lines and encouraging, but not requiring, young healthy individuals to purchase health insurance.  Programs that expand choices in Medicare, such as Medicare Advantage, should be strengthened, so that seniors can choose the benefits packages that best suit their needs.

There is no doubt about it; health care in America must be improved.  The answer, however, is not an intrusive and expensive government administered health care plan for Americans. If the history of government-administered health care plans is any guide, the actual costs of the new health care reform is likely far higher than understood or anticipated today.  As this process unfolds, I will continue to work to represent you, bring common-sense to this debate, and work to repeal this disastrous law. 

Click on these links to read the final health care bill and reconciliation package.

Click here to see a time line from the Heritage Foundation of the implementation of the health care bill.
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