Senate Democrats

September 2016
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Day September 13, 2016

Wrap Up for Tuesday, September 13, 2016

No Roll Call Votes   Legislative Business Agreed to H.Con.Res.131, Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run.   Adopted S.Res.485, resolution to encourage the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to abide by constitutional provisions regarding the holding of presidential elections in…


Senate agrees to Inhofe-Boxer SA#5042; series of roll call votes expected tomorrow, 9/14

This evening, the Senate agreed to the Inhofe-Boxer amendment #5042, as modified, to Inhofe-Boxer amendment #4979 (substitute) to S.2848, the Water Resources Development Act. The Senate is now in a period of morning business. We expect the Republicans to raise a budget point of order against the substitute tomorrow. Negotiations continue on when the Senate…


Cotton objects to confirming US Court of Federal Claims nominations

Senator Coons asked unanimous consent that the Senate take up and confirm the following nominations:   Executive Calendar #27 Nancy B. Firestone – to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years Executive Calendar #28 Thomas L. Halkowski – to be a Judge of the United…


Durbin objects to Gardner request to move to H.R.5293, DoD appropriations

Senator Gardner asked unanimous consent that following the disposition of H.R.5325, the vehicle for the short-term CR, the Senate proceed to H.R.5293, the Department of Defense Appropriations bill.   Senator Durbin objected.   Unofficial transcript of the exchange below:   { NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF THE SENATE PROCEEDINGS.}   SENATOR DURBIN:   I KNOW THAT…


Schedule for Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.   Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.2848, WRDA. As a reminder, during today’s session, cloture was invoked on Inhofe-Boxer substitute amendment #4979. All time during adjournment, recess, and morning business will count post-cloture. Senators will be notified when this…
