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Congressman Charles Rangel

Representing the 13th District of New York

Rangel Lauds Pres. Obama’s Signing of Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance

October 7, 2016
Press Release

Washington, DC –Congressman Charles B. Rangel, who represents the 13th Congressional District of New York that includes Upper Manhattan and parts of the Bronx, released the following statement after President Barack Obama signed H.R.1475 - Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance:

“One of my proudest accomplishments in life is being a Korean War veteran. Like many of my comrades, I went to Korea not knowing the people or the country we were fighting for. We came home without much of the fanfare that the heroes of World War II received and slowly, we were forgotten. This Wall of Remembrance will ensure that our sacrifices will be remembered forever.

I meant it with all my heart when I wrote a book titled, "And I Haven't Had a Bad Day Since." Here, the "since" refers to the fateful day in North Korea when I almost died during my service in the Korean War.

I am proud that the country I have defended has become an international leader and a major ally of the United States. 

It is heartbreaking that it has been almost 65 years since the Korean War veterans fought for peace and stability in the Peninsula, yet it still remains divided and the families are separated. I hope to see a unified Korea in our lifetime – which would be the greatest testament to the sacrifices of all Korean War veterans.”

