
Press Release

Secret Side Deals Reveal Iran Nuclear Verification is a Sham

This side agreement shows that true verification is a sham, and it begs the question of what else the Administration is keeping from Congress.

Press Release

A ‘Fresh’ Reason For Why the Obama Climate Agenda is Unnecessary

What the president wants to achieve with more government intervention is, well, already happening thanks to free-market forces.

Leader's Blog

What the House is Doing About Planned Parenthood

We will continue our investigation, and we will not rest until we know the whole truth about exactly what Planned Parenthood is doing as they harvest organs. Life is sacred, and as a good and loving…

Leader's Blog

House’s Policies Build America’s Energy Renaissance

Ever since hydraulic fracturing created an era of renewed American energy prosperity, we haven’t looked back. America is now the world leader in oil and gas production. As House Republicans…

Leader's Blog

Iran Plans to Use Nuclear Deal to Fuel Fight Against Israel

Only this Administration thinks a good deal means giving Iran money, access to weapons, and a path to a nuclear bomb all while Iran remains devoted to destroying our greatest ally in the Middle East…
