
Press Release

McCarthy: We Must Address Our Out-Of-Control Spending and Debt

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Kevin McCarthy issued the following statement regarding today’s Standard and Poor’s statement:

“Today’s announcement from S&P should be a wake-up call to…

Press Release

Tax Day Message from House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy

Washington D.C. – In recognition of tax day, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) release the following video message:

Click to Play

“Washington doesn’t have a revenue problem, we have a…

Leader's Blog

Poor Reviews For Democratic Budget Attacks From Nonpartisan Fact Checkers

With poor reviews for the tone of President Obama’s so-called deficit speech already in, nonpartisan fact checkers have turned to criticizing the substance of the speech and other Democratic…

Leader's Blog

Another Study In Contrasts…

Today’s coverage of Standard & Poor’s outlook tells you all that you need to know about the difference in seriousness with which Republicans and Democrats are addressing the nation’s mounting…

Leader's Blog

President Obama Chooses “Overtly Partisan Broadsides”Over Bipartisan Cooperation

After adding more than $3.5 trillion in new debt and proposing trillions more in new taxes and deficits, you might think President Obama would be interested in having a serious conversation about our…
