
Leader's Blog

McCarthy: Regulations Hinder Job Creation & Energy Security

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the follow statement in support of the Jobs & Energy Permitting Act (H.R. 2021), a bill that will help create jobs, secure…

Leader's Blog

Democrats Scramble For Jobs Agenda

All –

Senate Leader Harry Reid took the floor yesterday to bemoan House and Senate Republicans for obstructing crucial “jobs” bills. That’s right, Leader Reid has decided to rest his “job…

Leader's Blog

Transcript Says It All

In remarks last night, President Obama claimed that his administration created 2.1 million jobs over the last 15 months. Even his crowd of supporters could not help but laugh.

President Obama Job…

Leader's Blog

The Democrats’ Anniversary Of The “Recovery Summer”That Wasn’t

Today marks the one-year anniversary of President Obama’s and Washington Democrats’ launch of the “Recovery Summer,” a three-month stimulus spending spree that was supposed to create jobs. At…

Press Release

McCarthy: America Can No Longer Wait, We Must Take Action To Grow Our Economy

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) gave the following remarks at a House Republican press conference on the need to grow our economy and create jobs immediately.

