
Press Release

McCarthy Statement on House Repeal of the Three Percent Withholding Tax

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released the following statement regarding House passage of the 3% Withholding Tax Repeal:

“Following the President’s most recent…

Leader's Blog

The Hypocrisy of Chuck Schumer

Senator Chuck Schumer – the man who came up with the Senate Democrats’ ‘millionaires surtax’ – is declining to say whether he supports a similar measure being pushed by New York state…

Leader's Blog

Kevin McCarthy Co-opts Obama’s ‘We Can’t Wait’ Slogan, Touts GOP Jobs Plans

If President Obama “can’t wait” to fix the economy, he should consider Republicans’ job-creation plans, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on Fox & Friends Wednesday. The…

Leader's Blog

Boehner, House GOP Agree With Obama That ‘We Can’t Wait’ for Jobs (So Senate Should Act)

Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of California, the House’s No. 3 Republican, took a shot at the president for coining a new campaign slogan and also took aim at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of…

Leader's Blog

Roll Call: Kevin McCarthy Says GOP Jobs Bills Have Bipartisan Potential

“There are places where we can agree” with the White House and Democrats, according to the California Republican, who is sponsoring one of several measures that are scheduled for a markup…
