
Leader's Blog

‘Barely Discernible’ GDP Growth in First Quarter

For three straight days in Washington it’s been raining, and for three straight days the weather has echoed how Democratic policies have fared in the press and public opinion polls. Economic…

Press Release

Whip McCarthy: House Republicans Continue To Work Toward Solutions Americans Are Looking For

Washington D.C. – House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) gave the following remarks at today’s leadership press conference:

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“As you listen to the Speaker and…


White House’s Obamacare victory lap looking more like a false start

Democrats have been claiming a turning point in the battle over Obamacare for the better part of the last month. First came the news that 8 million people had signed up — exceeding the law’s goals…

Leader's Blog

Americans Want Republican Congress as Obamacare Continues to Fail

Despite its front-end facelift, is still missing massive, critical pieces on the back end of the site. Though the site finally seems to be functioning smoothly, it is merely a pretty…


Congress Is Going Back to School

WASHINGTON—During Congress’ two-week recess, House Republican leaders assigned lawmakers some homework: go visit charter schools.
The field trips were part of a coming House push on education, a…
