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Congresswoman Louise Slaughter

Representing the 25th District of New York


Antibiotic Resistance

Scientific evidence clearly indicates that the overuse of antibiotics in food production is contributing to the growth of antibiotic-resistant diseases threatening human health. Antibiotic use in food-animals must be limited to prevent the inadvertent creation of superbugs that are too powerful for modern medicine.


A good education is the key to unlocking our nation’s full economic potential and ensuring everyone benefits in our economy. Congresswoman Slaughter believes that we must ensure equal access to quality education for all Americans. She aims to ensure that anyone who wants to attend college has the opportunity.

Energy and Environment

The United States is blessed with bountiful energy resources and beautiful environmental treasures. Congresswoman Slaughter is focused on developing a sustainable future where advancements in green technology help power the U.S. economy.

Ethics and Accountability

Congresswoman Slaughter has taken on the institutions of power that have rigged the system against the average American. Anyone who serves as a representative of the American people should be held accountable to the same standards of behavior as the citizens they serve. Whether she's opposing Wall Street tycoons who crashed the economy, corporations that cheat their way out of paying taxes, or members of Congress who behave unethically, Congresswoman Slaughter consistently stands up for what is right.

Great Lakes

Stretching from Minnesota to New York, the Great Lakes are a national jewel. They’re not just beautiful, they are also an important economic engine responsible for thousands of jobs. Congresswoman Slaughter has been a tireless advocate for the Great Lakes and knows that the lakes are a leading economic driver for communities across Upstate New York and part of what makes Rochester such a special place to call home.

Health Care

With a wide range of legislative victories under her belt, Congresswoman Slaughter is considered one of the top health care authorities in Congress. Congresswoman Slaughter is fighting to address some of the biggest health issues of our time, such as keeping antibiotics effective, preventing genetic discrimination, protecting women’s health, and ensuring affordable health care coverage for all.


The United States is a nation of immigrants, but our immigration system is broken. Congresswoman Slaughter believes it is time to fix our immigration system in a way that shows compassion, requires responsibility, both from workers who are here illegally and those that hire them, and guarantees that everyone is playing by the same rules.


Our transportation infrastructure has been at the heart of America’s success, from the Erie Canal to the interstate highway system. Yet, across the country, the infrastructure that helped build our great economy has fallen into disrepair. Congresswoman Slaughter believes investing in our nation's transportation infrastructure should be one of our top priorities. Such investments would not only put millions of Americans back to work, but would also allow our nation to remain economically competitive in the global economy of the 21st century.

Jobs, Economy, and Poverty

Poverty is one of Rochester’s most serious challenges. Congresswoman Slaughter is using all the tools at her disposal to build a stronger economy for everyone and protect those in need.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer individuals are our loved ones, neighbors, friends, and integral members of our community. Congresswoman Slaughter believes that every American deserves equal rights under the law, including people who identify as LGBTQ. She stood up for LBGTQ rights early in her career, even when equality issues were politically unpopular because it was, and is, the right thing to do.

Public Health

Public health initiatives are unique in that they target the health of our communities, our nation, and world rather than the individual. Broad, community-focused health programs are essential to ensure that each American citizen lives in a healthier and safer world. Congresswoman Slaughter has spent her career fighting to improve public health and wellness.


Our nation owes its success to those who have come before us. Congresswoman Slaughter believes that we must take care of our seniors who have contributed so much to our communities and country. She will remain on the frontlines in the fight to provide our nation’s seniors with the health care and financial support they deserve.

The Arts

The arts are a major pillar of our nation’s culture and economy. As a former blues and jazz singer and co-chair of the Congressional Arts Caucus, Congresswoman Slaughter understands this value and is especially proud of the thriving arts community in Rochester. Congresswoman Slaughter will continue to be a strong advocate for creative thinking in Rochester and on Capitol Hill.

Trade and Manufacturing

Rochester has a rich economic history, from the Flour City to the world capital of photography and beyond. Products developed and manufactured in Rochester helped to transform the twentieth century, and now the Rochester area is positioned to be a center of innovation long into the future. Congresswoman Slaughter believes that in order to grow Rochester's economy, federal policies must protect American manufacturers and support the creation of more American jobs, especially in the manufacturing sector.


We owe nothing less than the best to the brave women and men who have risked their lives for our nation. Congresswoman Slaughter is committed to ensuring that we support our troops while they serve our country and after they have left the theaters of war.


Congresswoman Slaughter has always been an advocate for women’s rights and equality. Whether it’s fighting for equal pay for equal work or as the co-chair of the House Pro-Choice Caucus, she has been a leader in protecting and advocating for progress on issues important to women.