H.Res. 640: H.R. 3797 - SENSE Act; H.R. 4596 - Small Business Broadband Deployment Act

COMMITTEE ACTION: REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE of 6-4 on Monday, March 14, 2016.

MANAGERS: Polis/Stivers

114th Congress

2nd Session


H.RES. 640

Report No. 114-453


H.R. 3797 - SENSE Act

H.R. 4596 - Small Business Broadband Deployment Act

  1. Structured rule for H.R. 4596.
  2. Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
  4. Provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
  5. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
  6. Makes in order only the further amendment printed in part A of the Rules Committee report, if offered by the Member designated in the report. The amendment shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.
  7. Waives all points of order against the amendment printed in part A of the report.
  8. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.
  9. Structured rule for H.R. 3797.
  10. Provides one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  11. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
  12. Provides that the bill shall be considered as read.
  13. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill.
  14. Makes in order only those amendments printed in part B of the Rules Committee report. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question.
  15. Waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the report.
  16. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.



Resolved, That upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the House the bill (H.R. 4596) to ensure that small business providers of broadband Internet access service can devote resources to broadband deployment rather than compliance with cumbersome regulatory requirements. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. The amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Energy and Commerce now printed in the bill shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce; (2) the further amendment printed in part A of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution, if offered by the Member designated in the report, which shall be in order without intervention of any point of order, shall be considered as read, shall be separately debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question; and (3) one motion to recommit with or without instructions.

Sec. 2. At any time after adoption of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3797) to establish the bases by which the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall issue, implement, and enforce certain emission limitations and allocations for existing electric utility steam generating units that convert coal refuse into energy. The first reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. General debate shall be confined to the bill and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. After general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. The bill shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill are waived. No amendment to the bill shall be in order except those printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution. Each such amendment may be offered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. All points of order against such amendments are waived. At the conclusion of consideration of the bill for amendment the Committee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been adopted. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit with or without instructions.



(summaries derived from information provided by sponsors)




Debate Time

1. Veasey (TX)


Requires the FCC to also answer whether a permanent exemption would increase access to services offered by small internet service providers.

(10 minutes)



(summaries derived from information provided by sponsors)




Debate Time

1. Pallone (NJ)


Strikes the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule portion of the bill.

(10 minutes)

2. Engel (NY)


Gives the Governor of a State the ability to opt-out of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule portion of the bill if the Governor determines that implementing that provision would increase the overall cost of complying with EPA's rule.

(10 minutes)

3. Bera (CA)


Requires a GAO report on the increase in sulfur dioxide and other air pollution emissions that result from this Act and the effect of such emissions on public health.

(10 minutes)

4. Peters, Scott (CA)


Requires the EPA to provide notice to communities about the anticipated effects of this Act on air quality not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act.

(10 minutes)

5. Veasey (TX)


Ensures public health is taken into account by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency before law goes into effect

(10 minutes)