Iowans sent me to Congress with a specific mission: cut wasteful spending and make Washington squeal.

We both know that Washington’s reckless spending is spiraling out of control, and today, we are more than $19 trillion dollars in debt! That means every Iowan’s share of the national debt exceeds $60,000.

Rather than using those hard-earned dollars for education, food, or agricultural needs, Iowans are forced to pay for Washington’s repeated reckless spending habits. We must put an end to this radical spending.

I take seriously the responsibility you have entrusted in me to make Washington more competent and less wasteful.

Please click on the links below to read more about my work to make 'em squeal in Washington.

Squeal Awards

I am constantly researching and identifying areas of waste, abuse and inefficiencies. In turn, I will be giving out my Squeal Award each month, which recognizes a Washington expense, program or concept that has proven to be wasteful and must be cut. Iowans simply should not be on the hook for these reckless spending habits. 

By highlighting this out of control waste, we can work to hold Washington accountable. Please take a look at this month’s Squeal Award and find other award recipients below.

Do you have an example of government waste or inefficiencies that I should take a look at? Send me an email by clicking here.