Congressional Caucuses are formed by Members to provide a forum for issues or legislative agendas. A number of caucuses exist in the House and their primary function is to draw attention to issues of importance to their membership. Here is a list of the caucuses I am involved with:

Tuesday Group

I am a co-chair of Tuesday Group, a group of thoughtful and pragmatic-minded Republicans in the House of Representatives who are focused on problem solving. Founded in 1994, the group wields significant influence to advance bipartisan solutions to some of our nation’s most pressing issues. The members of Tuesday Group understand that compromise is not a dirty word and are committed to putting people ahead of politics.

Armenian Caucus

I am proud to be the co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues (Armenian Caucus). Established in 1995, the Caucus is an informal, bipartisan group of legislators dedicated to maintaining and strengthening the U.S.-Armenia relationship. The coordinated efforts of this diverse coalition of Congressional friends of Armenia and the Armenian American community help to raise awareness of Armenian American issues on Capitol Hill, with the White House, and with the American people.

Congressional Caucus on Korea

The purposes of the Congressional Caucus on Korea include improving relations and communications between the United States and the Republic of Korea; providing up-to-date information about mutual policy interest items to Members of Congress and their staffs; and recognizing the common political, military, economic, trade, cultural and social ties between the United States and the Republic of Korea.

Green Schools Caucus

The Congressional Green Schools Caucus was formed as a way to educate and inform members of Congress on the enormous impact they have on our nation’s approach to new and existing school buildings. The Caucus empowers federal legislators to work together and with their constituents to take advantage of opportunities to make our schools greener, our students and teachers healthier and our communities stronger.

Congressional Lupus Caucus

The Congressional Lupus Caucus was established to provide a forum for members of Congress and their staff to actively engage in a dialogue to improve the quality of life for people with lupus and their caregivers through supporting the advancement of lupus research and increasing awareness of lupus among the public and health professionals.

Manufacturing Caucus

The House Manufacturing Caucus examines and promotes policies to help American manufacturers find trained, educated workers, continue to lead the world in developing new industrial technologies, operate on a level playing field with their foreign competitors, and obtain the capital they need to thrive. The Tenth Congressional District is the fourth largest manufacturing district in the nation, which makes this caucus vital to our local economy.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

The mission of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission is to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms in a nonpartisan manner, both within and outside of Congress, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant human rights instruments. In particular, the Commission develops congressional strategies to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights norms reflecting the role and responsibilities of the United States Congress. It also works to raise greater awareness of human rights issues among Members of Congress and their staff, as well as the public.

Impact Aid Coalition

Members of the Impact Aid coalition promote a dialogue regarding the benefits aid has in the areas of education, healthcare, defense and labor, and armed services.

U.S.-China Working Group

The bipartisan U.S.-China Working Group educates members and staff on U.S.-China issues through meetings and briefings with academic, business and political leaders from the U.S. and China. The Working Group provides information to Members of Congress on critical issues at critical moments and provides a forum for open and frank discussion with Chinese leaders.

Medical Technology Caucus

The Medical Technology Caucus (MTC) was formed in 1993 to increase awareness among Members and staff of the unique issues facing the medical technology sector--an industry that has become increasingly important as dramatic improvements over the last decade have revolutionized healthcare. Technological innovation in the delivery of healthcare has saved lives and improved the quality of life for all Americans.

Congressional Kidney Caucus

Twenty-six million Americans suffer from kidney disease and another twenty million are at risk. The purpose of the Congressional Kindey Caucus is to educate Members of Congress and the public about the problem kidney disease poses for our society and to educate Members of Congress and the public about the federal government's singular role in providing access to life sustaining treatment for those Americans with the severest form of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), stage 5 CKD.

Congressional Diabetes Caucus

The mission of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus is to educate Members of Congress and staff about diabetes and to support legislative activities that would improve diabetes research, education and treatment. The Congressional Diabetes Caucus was founded in 1996 and has grown to be one of the largest and most influential member organizations on Capitol Hill.

Hellenic-Israel Alliance

The Hellenic-Israel Alliance works to highlight the growing Hellenic-Israeli partnership, which could yield important economic and national security benefits for the U.S. and the region. The Caucus focuses on the issues of economic development, energy production, religious freedom for minorities, and counterterrorism.

Bipartisan Task Force For Combatting Anti-Semitism

The Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism was formed in order to ensure that Congress plays an integral role in condemning anti-Semitism and promoting tolerance worldwide. The Taskforce serves as a forum for educating Members on this distinct form of intolerance and to engage with the Executive Branch, foreign leaders, and civil society organizations for the sharing of best practices and cooperating on solutions to rebuff this disturbing trend. It promotes Holocaust Remembrance in concert with exploring innovative ways to teach tolerance and confront hate.

Congressional Community College Caucus

The Community College Caucus recognizes that community colleges play an important and distinctive role in the American education system. Community colleges provide a low cost, close-to-home education to more than 11.6 million students a year. The ability of the community college to adapt to the needs of the community situates them to play a key role in training workers in our evolving economy. The purpose of the CCC is to raise awareness within the House of Representatives about the unique role of community colleges within the American educational system. The Caucus will serve as a forum to identify and discuss current issues which affect community colleges.

Congressional Arts Caucus

The Congressional Arts Caucus is a bipartisan organization for Members of Congress to support the arts through federal initiatives and learn more about the impact of the arts to our economy, educational system, industry strength, healthcare costs and service members returning from war.

Congressional Aluminum Caucus

The modern aluminum industry has been a vital part of the American manufacturing sector for more than 100 years and is a key material for the 21st century. In fact, aluminum is used in literally hundreds of applications from aluminum cans to football stadiums to airplane parts. With facilities in nearly every Congressional district, the aluminum industry supports more than half a million American jobs and contributes $152 billion in economic activity nationwide, nearly 1 percent of US GDP. The Congressional Aluminum Caucus focuses on telling this story and educates key federal policy makers about critical issues facing the industry.

Congressional Motorcycle Caucus

The CMC includes members of Congress from both sides of the aisle who are committed to advancing motorcycling and improving the safety of motorcyclists.

Congressional Bike Caucus

The objectives of the caucus include promoting policies that aim to integrate bicycling as an attractive transportation and recreational alternative. Whatever the solutions proposed, their implementation in livable communities requires a process in which grassroots involvement helps create and solidify partnerships comprised of civic and business organizations, state, local and federal governments.

Congressional Ukranian Caucus

The Congressional Ukrainian Caucus is bipartisan group of Members of Congress who share a common concern for building stronger bilateral relations between Ukraine and the United States. In its continuing cooperation with the Ukrainian American community, the Caucus serves to lend support for Ukraine in its process of democratization and market-oriented reforms.

Financial Protection and Life Insurance Caucus

The purpose of the caucus is to educate lawmakers about the ongoing need for public policy that encourages Americans to save more, plan ahead, and protect their financial and retirement security—and be a resource for Congress on the many issues facing life insurance companies, agents, and financial advisors.

Congressional Fitness Caucus

The job of the Caucus is to highlight the benefits of workplace wellness and provide American businesses with proven ways to reduce health care costs that focus on getting employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus

Founded in 1989, the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC) has grown into one of the largest and most effective caucuses in the US Congress with nearly 300 members representing almost all 50 states. With bipartisan leadership in both the House and the Senate, the CSC is the sportsmen's ally in Washington protecting and advancing hunting, angling, recreational shooting and trapping.

Congressional Hospitality Caucus

The goal of the caucus is to provide a better understanding of the challenges faced by the American hospitality industry. Additionally, the caucus gives the industry the recognition it deserves for the steps it has taken to promote responsible consumption as well as the impact it has had on our local economies.

Coalition for Autism Research and Education

The Coalition for Autism Research and Education is dedicated to increasing awareness of autism and autism spectrum disorders among Members of Congress and policy analysts in the federal government. Autism and autism spectrum disorders affect nearly 1 in every 68 children. It is important that Congress begins to search for creative and new ways to emphasize current and future initiatives regarding autism. This is an important caucus that serves as a forum where Members of Congress can exchange ideas on how to promote this research. The ultimate goal of all research needs to be finding a cure for these disorders.

Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East

This bipartisan caucus serves as an informational and advocacy tool for besieged religious minorities who are central to a pluralistic Middle East. Every day religious minorities in countries throughout the Middle East are confronting serious threats, ranging from discrimination and marginalization, to outright violence. Churches have been burned, millions of families have been driven from their homes, and many have been killed. Because of the spread and influence of ISIS, the persecution of religious minorities is as relevant as ever, and it’s imperative that the persecution of religious minorities is recognized and alleviated.

Congressional Dyslexia Caucus

Dyslexia impacts Americans from all walks of life. The Congressional Dyslexia Caucus was formed so that we can work across party lines to educate members of the public about dyslexia, as well as to identify policies that will support individuals as they overcome dyslexia and pursue educational and career opportunities.

Congressional General Aviation Caucus

The General Aviation Caucus focuses on educating members about policies affecting the general aviation industry through both visits to aviation facilities and businesses as well as briefings featuring general aviation industry leaders. General aviation encompasses a broad swath of interests from the manufacturing side to the issues affecting your light sport or weekend flyers.

Congressional Land Conservation Caucus

The purpose of the caucus is to serve as an informal group dedicated to issues related to land conservation, the preservation of open space and the education as to its importance. The conservation efforts nationwide involve our local communities, inspire people of all ages and teach the importance of maintaining our lands. The caucus believes it is important for the federal government to continue to partner with our communities to be involved and engaged in the conservation efforts and to embrace our nation’s heritage for present and future generations to enjoy.

National Service Congressional Caucus

The National Service Congressional Caucus recognizes that the desire of Americans to serve their community and country has increased dramatically in recent years and that Congress has the ability to enable more Americans to do so. The caucus is committed to moving national service forward as part of the nation’s domestic agenda by broadening and deepening existing bipartisan support on Capitol Hill for AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve America and the Senior Corps. Through these service initiatives, citizens of all ages work to improve their communities and country.

Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic

The Task Force works to create and implement solutions to combat the increase in heroin use. The mission of the Task Force is to focus on finding commonsense, effective strategies to spread awareness, increase education efforts, and assist those in needs. Over 50 Democrats and Republicans have come together on the Task Force to tackle these challenges.