Intellectual Property & Technology

What kind of America would we live in if people’s property could be stolen and there were no consequences?  Our world has changed much from the time of our founding – instead of just protecting against theft of property, we have to guard against a new kind of theft – the theft of ideas and innovation made easier by the Internet. 

Protecting innovators and inventors from threats like counterfeiting and piracy is essential and is accomplished through a strong patent system that safeguards people’s ideas. We need to make sure the patent system keeps pace with today’s rapid technological advancements with legislation to reform and update U.S. intellectual property law.  

In Utah alone, there are more than 3,200 technology and 500 life science companies. Utah leads the western states’ region in creating and sustaining these companies. I am a strong supporter of innovation and the dedicated people who devote their time and talents to bringing about a better life for all of us through their ideas and inventive energy.