Opinion Pieces

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Immigration?

Washington, DC, January 19, 2014 | comments
Do we have a problem with our immigration policies? Regardless of where you stand on this issue, my guess is you would say yes. This, like so many important issues facing our country, requires a dedicated approach focused on facts and how the laws we enact impact our security, our economy and the lives of millions of people in America.
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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Immigration?
By Congresswoman Renee Ellmers
The Fayetteville Observer
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Do we have a problem with our immigration policies? Regardless of where you stand on this issue, my guess is you would say yes. This, like so many important issues facing our country, requires a dedicated approach focused on facts and how the laws we enact impact our security, our economy and the lives of millions of people in America.

As Americans, we sit on the shoulders of the courageous men and women who came before us and made this country into a prosperous beacon for opportunity and earned success. These values are embedded in who we are and embody the principles of millions of others who wish to achieve the same accomplishments. But under our current system, individuals looking for work are forced to take the path of least resistance, and many times that path unfortunately is the illegal one.

So we have a problem. Every year, millions of people enter this country illegally and remain unaccounted for - costing the American taxpayer billions of dollars in legal fees, security operations and lost tax revenue.

The urgency of the situation hit home for me back in August when I travelled throughout North Carolina's 2nd District, meeting with people on all sides of this issue. I held several meetings with local business leaders who told me they are very concerned that without some type of immigration reform, their businesses will face economic harm.

The local leaders I met with covered a variety of industries, including housing, construction, hospitality, restaurant, research and development, high tech and agriculture. I was impressed with their candor and sense of urgency. Their views were echoed by immigrants, faith leaders and reform-minded groups in the district. They told me that their greatest fears include the threat of their families being broken apart and the inability to provide for their loved ones.

In addition to these groups, I have met with and heard from constituents across the district who are disappointed by the president's aversion to enforcing the law and stemming the flow of illegal immigration to our country.

Based on these conversations and careful reflection, it is my opinion that immigration reform must include solutions in three areas: border security, legal immigration, and illegal immigration. I believe we must begin this debate by listening and then having a discussion so we can understand the issue from all sides.

Current law has not adapted to the 21st century, nor has it accounted in any measurable way for the changing needs of our economy and how we manage immigration. Throughout our nation's history, our country has been a magnet for the educated, the innovative and the determined. Today, we no longer witness the fleet of ships entering Ellis Island, yet our immigration policy still functions by way of this outdated, lottery-type system.

Our law fails to account for each according to his or her circumstance and disregards how one individual could provide skills and expertise compared to another. If people want to come to this country to work, provide for their families and contribute to their community, they should be allowed to do so. Our focus should be on their intent, not their circumstance.

I do not support a "pathway to citizenship" or "amnesty." We are a nation of laws, and when those laws are violated, there is a price that needs to be paid. However, we must also acknowledge that these people have lived in our communities for years and are a vital part of many farms and businesses right here in the 2nd District.

I believe that in addition to securing our borders, the best course of action is one that provides an earned legal work status that would not be given indiscriminately. Instead, it would be contingent on some combination of paying a penalty, admitting to violating the law, and verifying identity. Only after this legal work status is obtained can individuals have the opportunity to begin the naturalization process - if that is their choice. They do not go to the "front of the line," nor do they receive special treatment. This is about solving a problem that can be fixed only through a responsible and realistic approach.

We have problems, and there are solutions. I, for one, am excited to start this process and fix a broken system.

Renee Ellmers, a Dunn Republican, is serving her second term representing North Carolina's 2nd District in the House of Representatives.