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Ellmers Seeks to Stop Closure of Fort Bragg's 440th Airlift Wing with Amendments to NDAA

Washington, DC, May 7, 2015 | comments
Rep. Renee Ellmers has introduced four amendments to this year's National Defense Authorization Act aimed at fighting the inactivation of Fort Bragg's 440th Airlift Wing. In a release, the Republican representative of Fort Bragg said the amendments would prohibit money from being used to shutter the post's only air wing, require an Army study of how the closure could affect the readiness of local soldiers and require Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno to certify the decision will not affect that readiness.
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Ellmers Seeks to Stop Closure of Fort Bragg’s 440th Airlift Wing
with Amendments to NDAA

The Fayetteville Observer
By Drew Brooks
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rep. Renee Ellmers has introduced four amendments to this year's National Defense Authorization Act aimed at fighting the inactivation of Fort Bragg's 440th Airlift Wing.

In a release, the Republican representative of Fort Bragg said the amendments would prohibit money from being used to shutter the post's only air wing, require an Army study of how the closure could affect the readiness of local soldiers and require Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno to certify the decision will not affect that readiness.

Ellmers and other North Carolina congressional leaders have opposed closing the 440th since the decision was announced last year. But previous attempts to stop the Air Force have been unsuccessful.

Last year, then-Sen. Kay Hagan introduced an amendment into the NDAA requiring an Air Force report on changes to the service's fleet of C-130s, the type of plane used by the 440th.

But that report did not lead to changes to the Air Force's plans for the Reserve wing.

Ellmers hopes her amendments, if approved, will have a greater impact in saving the 440th.

"At a time when there is turmoil abroad, the decision to disband an airlift wing that provides essential training for some of our nation's most unique and foremost rapid deployment forces is not only unsound - it's unsafe," Ellmers said.

"I firmly believe there needs to be accountability for this short-sighted decision," she said.

Air Force leaders have previously said the Army, including Fort Bragg leaders, were not consulted in their decision to close the 440th in search of budgetary savings.

Ellmers said that was a mistake.

"It is my duty and responsibility to do everything within my power to prevent the Air Force from moving forward with this irresponsible decision," she said. "These four amendments signal that I do not - and will not - take this threat to Fort Bragg and our paratroopers lightly."


Click here to see a list of Congresswoman Ellmers’ 4 proposed NDAA Amendments

Click hereto view a recent editorial written by the Fayetteville Observer regarding Congresswoman Ellmers’ fight to save the 440th Airlift Wing.

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg. | 202.225.4531