Press Releases

Ellmers Responds to President’s State of the Union Address

Washington, January 12, 2016 | comments
WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC-02) released the following statement this evening following President Obama's State of the Union address to Congress:

“To date, I have witnessed each of the president’s State of the Union addresses, and each of them reiterates the same thing: big promises for a bigger government in attempts to leave President Obama with an even bigger legacy.

“The president came in 8 years ago promising hope and change, but he instead leaves us with a checklist of mistakes. A flawed government takeover of our healthcare system was just the start. Now, the American people are stuck with a poorly-negotiated nuclear deal that enables terror, funds the Iranian nuclear arsenal and gambles with our national security. Overseas, the radical Islamic extremist group, ISIS, continues to thrive because our president wants to “contain” – rather than eliminate—this terrorist threat.

“Each of these hollow victories touted by our president throughout the last year illustrates just how out-of-touch this administration really is. What the president calls success is nothing more than a political chess game, which has left us less safe and more vulnerable. This is not the hope and change promised to the American people.

“Here in the House, my Republican colleagues and I are focused on delivering a legacy of results. Because of critical funding legislation that the House passed, the U.S. is exporting crude oil for the first time in 40 years, thus creating jobs and keeping energy prices low for families. This year, in our first week back, we passed legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, reduce our nation’s deficit by $516 billion dollars, and place us on a path towards an affordable, patient-centered alternative to Obamacare. Throughout the last year, House Republicans have made Medicare sustainable long-term and implemented reforms at the VA so that veterans continue to receive quality care at a faster rate.

“This is what progress looks like: it’s based on real and substantive accomplishments. Our legacy is built on performance and results— not long, well-intended speeches filled with empty promises. Unfortunately for the president, no amount of air time can distract from his failed policies. Empty speeches are no substitution for real action. As Americans, we must have faith that our Constitution will declare checkmate on the president’s unilateral, executive actions.

“House Republicans are committed to driving America in the direction of prosperity and opportunity. I look forward to continuing our work in 2016, as we build on our legacy of getting things done for the American people.”

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Congresswoman Renee Ellmers serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is
Chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.
She represents the Second District of North Carolina which includes all of Fort Bragg. | 202.225.4531