Enzi, Warren, Grassley

Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (H.R. 5325)

Senator Enzi: (5:17 PM)

  • Spoke on the death of his chief of staff, Flip McConnaughey.
    • "Last week, I lost my chief of staff who I worked with in various roles for over 40 years. And a member of my staff, Ron Hindle, wrote a remembrance on behalf of the staff. It begins, 'September 21 was the day that my fellow Enzi staffers and I will never forget. It was on that day that we learned that George McConnaughey, or Flip as we all knew him, had lost a valiant battle he had waged against cancer for the past year. His loss has made these past few days a time of reflection and remembrance for us all about Flip and his life.' Yesterday, we had a celebration of the life of Flip McConnaughey in Casper, Wyoming. It was well attended. It turned out to be kind of a reunion of people who had been touched by his life and his actions and particularly those who had worked with him. I'm sorry that I can't share the video that we all got to see of him growing up and his interaction with family and others, particularly since family meant so much to him. I want to share with you some of my remembrances, some of my memories."


Senator Warren: (5:36 PM)

  • Spoke on the continuing resolution.
    • "The Republicans are threatening to shut down the government again. In less than 100 hours, the United States government runs out of money. Why? What is so important that Republicans are willing to destroy thousands of jobs and cost our economy billions of dollars, the way they did back in 2013? Well, the answer is money - not tax money, not government spending. Nope, this is all about secret money for political campaigns. Republicans who control Congress are refusing to fund the government unless everyone agrees to let giant, publicly traded companies that spend millions of dollars trying to influence our elections keep all that money hidden. In just six years, the world has turned upside down. Since 2010, when the Supreme Court said in Citizens United that American corporations are people, those corporations have been allowed to spend as much corporate money as they want to get their friends elected."


Senator Grassley: (5:47 PM)

  • Spoke on the Survivors' Bill of Rights Act.
    • "The Democratic leadership is holding up this bill for purely political reasons. The Democratic leadership is delaying passage of this noncontroversial bill despite the fact that it enjoys broad bipartisan support. They are holding up this bill despite the fact that it is critical to help victims of sexual violence. They are holding this bill despite the fact that the same language passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously. They are holding up this bill despite the fact that it passed the Senate 89-0, and the House of Representatives, 399-0. The Survivors' Bill of Rights has been championed by a courageous rape victim, a survivor, Amanda Nguyen. Amanda is the founder and president of an organization that goes by the acronym RISE, a group which worked closely with me on the development of this survivors' rights package to establish new rights for survivors of sexual assault."