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Crawford Offers Ground Water Support Amendment
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09.30.2016 - Ground water depletion is a serious issue not only for agriculture but also for the rural populations that rely on aquifers for drinking water. This week I offered an amendment that maximizes support for alternative water delivery projects that ease the burden on our aquifers.

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    Ground water depletion is a serious issue not only for agriculture but also for the rural populations that rely on aquifers for drinking water. This week I offered an amendment that maximizes support ...
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    U.S. Representative Rick Crawford explains why U.S. trade relations regarding agriculture with Cuba must change during a House Agriculture Committee hearing.
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    Trying to change the United States' embargo against Cuba is a very politically charged and sensitive topic, particularly for the Cuban Americans who live in south Florida. However, Arkansas, and in pa...
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    We’ve been fighting an uphill battle against the 1950’s mindset that the trade embargo with Cuba serves as an effective means to weaken the Castro regime, despite historical evidence to the contrary. ...
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    Clayton Bulice asks: Are you inferring that a piece of legislation cannot be voted on in the house unless the Speaker calls for a vote? I am Clayton Bulice in Newark, Arkansas.
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