Issa To Secretary Carter: Immoral To Punish Our Veterans « Congressman Darrell Issa
Darrell Issa | Serving California's 49th District

Issa To Secretary Carter: Immoral To Punish Our Veterans

October 24, 2016

Congressman Darrell Issa is calling on Defense Secretary Ash Carter to immediately halt the clawback of enlistment bonuses paid to California National Guard soldiers as reported in the LA Times over the weekend.

In letters sent to Secretary Carter and the NDAA Conferees, Congressman Issa strongly condemns efforts to force veterans to repay the cash bonuses, asks the Defense Department to halt the retrieval efforts, and calls on Congress to quickly implement a permanent fix.

To read the letter to Ash Carter, click here.

To read the letter to the NDAA Conferees, click here.

Congressman Issa also issued the following statement: “The recent report regarding reenlistment bonuses being clawed back are extremely troubling. It is unconscionable that the responsibility for paying for bureaucratic malfeasance and corruption over a decade ago is being laid at the feet of the heroes who put themselves in harm’s way to keep our nation safe. The Department of Defense should forgive these debts immediately.”