The Honorable Donna F. Edwards
Providing for Consideration of H.R. 3080,
the Water Resources Reform and Development Act
October 23, 2013

Mr. Speaker, I rise today generally in support of the reauthorization of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, but I do want to express a couple of concerns that I have.

One is this discussion about reforms that I think really put in jeopardy what it is that we are trying to do, both in terms of developing our water resources and also protecting our environment.

I am concerned about the streamlining under the National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA. It doesn’t slow down projects. In fact, it ensures that the general public, State and local government officials, and industry have a seat at the table when Federal agencies make decisions that impact our communities.

Indeed, I am offering an amendment, along with my colleagues, Mr. Blumenauer and Mr. DeFazio, that would restore our confidence in the system to make sure that we are really protecting our environment.

My other concern, Mr. Speaker, is an amendment that is going to be offered, the Young and Petri amendment, that would, in fact, go back to the private sector for services instead of leaving that to the decision of the Army Corps of Engineers.

I look forward to further working on these issues.