Inhofe Amendment 13

Inhofe amendment to require the submission of annual reports describing the effect of this legislation on the automotive industry

The Lieberman-Warner bill will not only harm consumers by raising their energy costs, it will likely cost them their jobs. The respected consulting firm CRA International testified before this committee last month that by 2020, this bill will cause a net loss of between 1.5 and 3.4 million jobs.

Senator Inhofe is very concerned about the impact of this bill on our domestic automobile industry, which has endured significant job cuts over the last few years. The economies of several Midwestern states—including Missouri, Ohio, and Michigan, to name a few—are directly tied to the prosperity of this industry.

The Inhofe amendment is about protecting jobs and keeping our economy strong. It requires the Secretary of Commerce, a year after the bill becomes law, and every year thereafter, to report on whether this bill will cut 10,000 jobs in the automobile industry during the following calendar year. In other words, it gives us the ability to look ahead and see how people will be impacted.

If the report shows 10,000 jobs will be lost, then the EPA Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, must increase the number of allowances necessary to preserve those jobs.

In a twist of irony this week, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced legislation today that will increase the use of home heating oil, a major contributor of greenhouse gasses, in the same week that the Senator is pushing his colleagues on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to go farther in cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Sen. Sanders introduced legislation today to increase funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federal program that helps low-income families, principally located in Northeastern states, that can’t afford dramatic price increases for home heating oil and natural gas. Because home heating oil is heavily relied upon by low-income families in the Northeast, increased funds for LIHEAP ultimately means these funds will go toward increasing the use of home heating oil. Meanwhile, the EPW Committee is set to consider the Lieberman-Warner climate bill tomorrow; a bill Sen. Sanders has said does not go far enough in reducing emissions.

Just in time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has scheduled a business meeting to consider legislation that seeks to impose mandatory global warming “solutions” on the American people. The global warming cap-and-trade bill (S. 2191) introduced by Sens. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) and John Warner (R-Va.) seeks to regulate carbon dioxide by creating a whole new federal bureaucracy. In moving the bill out of committee, supporters of the bill are anxious for a symbolic “victory” just in time for their U.N. trip to Bali.

There is a better way for Congress to legislate. The American people deserve an open and honest debate on the merits of any proposed climate change legislation, especially considering that mandatory carbon cap-and-trade legislation will impose the largest tax increase ever in the U.S. without any measurable climate benefits. Consideration of the Lieberman-Warner bill, The Wall Street Journal reported in a Nov. 5 article, comes at a time when a “winter-heating crisis looms.”




Roll Call


Look Closer at Global Warming ‘Solutions’


By Sen. James Inhofe


Monday, Dec. 3


Just in time for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has scheduled a business meeting to consider legislation that seeks to impose mandatory global warming “solutions” on the American people. The global warming cap-and-trade bill (S. 2191) introduced by Sens. Joe Lieberman (ID-Conn.) and John Warner (R-Va.) seeks to regulate carbon dioxide by creating a whole new federal bureaucracy. In moving the bill out of committee, supporters of the bill are anxious for a symbolic “victory” just in time for their U.N. trip to Bali.


There is a better way for Congress to legislate. The American people deserve an open and honest debate on the merits of any proposed climate change legislation, especially considering that mandatory carbon cap-and-trade legislation will impose the largest tax increase ever in the U.S. without any measurable climate benefits. Consideration of the Lieberman-Warner bill, The Wall Street Journal reported in a Nov. 5 article, comes at a time when a “winter-heating crisis looms.”


The consequences of higher fuel bills for poor Americans can be devastating. High energy bills were cited as one of the two main reasons for homelessness, according to a 2006 survey of Colorado homeless families with children. Because of the significant economic harm imposed on our country by this bill, I joined Sens. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) and John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) in requesting a full economic analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Energy Information Administration before we proceed to a vote. Not knowing the extent of the economic damage resulting from this bill before we vote would be irresponsible.


Growing Number Speaking Out Against Lieberman-Warner


An Oct. 29 article in The Politico noted that the “climate bill faces wave of opposition” and is “headed for a bumpy ride.” A Nov. 19 Bloomberg News article called efforts to promote the bill a “vain pursuit” and weighed in with a breakdown of the growing “resistance” the bill faces.


Duke Energy Corp. Chairman Jim Rogers has warned that the bill will cause a “customer revolt” due to a rise in electricity bills by as much as 53 percent in 2012, according to the Bloomberg News article. Additionally, the widely respected, nonpartisan Charles River Associates issued a Nov. 8 analysis of the bill, revealing it will cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion in welfare costs over 40 years and up to $1 trillion per year by 2050. Even the co-author of the bill, Lieberman, conceded on Nov. 1 that his bill would cost “hundreds of billions of dollars.” The American Council for Capital Formation’s analysis on Nov. 8 found the bill will lead “to higher energy prices, lost jobs and reduced [gross domestic product].”


The AFL-CIO “says the bill would cost jobs by giving a competitive advantage to foreign companies that aren’t subject to similar restrictions,” according to the recent Bloomberg News article. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said the bill “does not adequately preserve American jobs and the domestic economy.” It is correct. Why should we send American jobs to China when they build a new coal plant every three days and will ramp up production even further? Moreover, U.S. plants are more efficient than China’s plants, so this bill could cause net global emissions to increase, not decrease.


Recent analysis from the EIA of a less stringent cap-and-trade bill shows energy costs for consumers and employers will be even more expensive — and burdens on hardworking Americans, the elderly and the poor will be even more severe — if Congress adopts carbon mandates but fails to enact policies to increase domestic energy supplies.


This finding proves what I always have feared: Imposing limits on carbon emissions without new sources of low-emission energy will result in a crushing financial blow to Americans everywhere, especially to the poor. Yet, in hearing after hearing, it has become clear that the environmental community plans to erect barriers to new nuclear power and increased natural gas supply — which would be essential in meeting our energy needs in an emissions-constrained world. It’s the classic bait-and-switch. But the EIA study reveals how costly it will be if we fall prey to that trap.


The fact is the word “nuclear” does not appear anywhere in the bill. Without nuclear energy, however, there is no chance of achieving the objectives espoused in this bill. The EIA analysis of the less-stringent bill included a “No Nuclear” scenario that showed electricity prices increasing by 8 percent and, importantly, carbon emissions increasing 3 percent.


This inconvenient fact has led at least one supporter of cap-and-trade legislation not to support the bill. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) stated earlier this year he will not support the bill because it does not incorporate nuclear energy. Sen. McCain correctly noted that the U.S. can’t effectively reduce emissions without an expansion of nuclear energy.


Failure of Carbon Cap-and-Trade


Cap-and-trade policies have been tried in Europe and they have proved to be an utter disaster. European emissions continue to climb while our current policies have resulted in emissions tailing off in the United States. The British environmental journal Nature in October said it’s time to dump cap-and-trade because it’s the wrong approach, and Kyoto has “failed” to cut greenhouse gases.


If we are going to impose enormous costs to our economy, a carbon tax would be a much more efficient and transparent approach. In addition, the Senate has passed two resolutions stating that any climate action must neither harm our economy nor fail to include developing countries. Lieberman-Warner does not pass that test.


Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently wrote that any meaningful emission-reduction cap means a “large number of companies will experience cost increases that make them less competitive. Jobs will be lost, and real incomes of workers constrained.” Greenspan pinpointed the entire global warming cap-and-trade debate when he wrote, “Cap-and-trade systems or carbon taxes are likely to be popular only until real people lose real jobs as their consequence.”


To put it bluntly: Senators are going to be asking the American people to pay more for home energy and pay higher prices at the gas pump for no climate benefit. This bill will simply result in real economic pain, for no climate gain. It appears the realities of global warming “solutions” are finally being exposed across the political spectrum. This bill will burden American families with additional energy costs and significantly harm the U.S. economy.



The low bar set by CBS News for their reporting may have reached new depths. CBS News is seeking a reporter for its ‘eco beat’ who does not need any “knowledge of the enviro beat,” but must be “funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm and creative energy,” according to a new job posting on The potential CBS News employee must also be “vibrant” and bring “a dash of humor to our coverage.”
The Lieberman-Warner global warming cap-and-trade bill continues to meet growing opposition. In a November 19 article, Bloomberg News called efforts to promote the bill a "vain pursuit," and weighed in with a breakdown of the growing "resistance" the bill faces. (For more details of how the bill is losing momentum, see here)

The bill "is running into resistance from an unlikely collection of environmental activists, big oil and coal companies, labor unions and Congress's sole socialist. Some opponents say the measure doesn't go far enough; others say complying with it would cost too much and put U.S. businesses at a competitive disadvantage. The fight threatens to scuttle the first legislation mandating emissions cuts to be approved by a congressional subcommittee," reported the Bloomberg News article by Daniel Whitten and Kim Chipman.

Dismissing Republican Members of the EPW Committee’s request for economic analysis by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before the Committee marks up the Lieberman-Warner bill, Senator Boxer, chairman of the EPW Committee, said at the November 15 EPW Committee hearing that enough analysis had already been conducted, citing analysis done by the environmental group Clean Air Task Force. Interestingly however, the CATF analysis relies heavily upon the assumption that nuclear power will greatly benefit under the bill. The charts below are from a presentation by the CATF distributed to Members of the committee and the press. As shown below, CATF makes the assumption that 90 new nuclear power plants will be built.
Dismissing Republican Members of the EPW Committee’s request for economic analysis by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before the Committee marks up the Lieberman-Warner bill, Senator Boxer, chairman of the EPW Committee, said at the November 15 EPW Committee hearing that enough analysis had already been conducted, citing analysis done by the environmental group Clean Air Task Force. Interestingly however, the CATF analysis relies heavily upon the assumption that nuclear power will greatly benefit under the bill. The charts below are from a presentation by the CATF distributed to Members of the committee and the press. As shown below, CATF makes the assumption that 90 new nuclear power plants will be built.

Dismissing Republican Members of the EPW Committee’s request for economic analysis by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before the Committee marks up the Lieberman-Warner bill, Senator Boxer, chairman of the EPW Committee, said at the November 15 EPW Committee hearing that enough analysis had already been conducted, citing analysis done by the environmental group Clean Air Task Force. Interestingly however, the CATF analysis relies heavily upon the assumption that nuclear power will greatly benefit under the bill. The charts below are from a presentation by the CATF distributed to Members of the committee and the press. As shown below, CATF makes the assumption that 90 new nuclear power plants will be built.  




FACT: The word “nuclear” does not appear anywhere in the bill. Without nuclear however, there is no chance of achieving the objectives espoused in this bill. An EIA analysis done on S. 280, a less stringent bill, included a “No Nuclear” scenario which showed electricity prices increasing by 8% and, importantly, carbon emissions INCREASING 3%.

Notably, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) “is not endorsing the Warner-Lieberman bill ‘because it doesn't include the nuclear issue by name,’ according to his spokeswoman Melissa Shuffield. ‘We can't effectively reduce our emissions without including nuclear energy, which is more efficient than the technologies in the bill.’ (Source: 10-18-07 Washington Post)

Senator Warner (R-VA), a sponsor of the bill, explained at the subcommittee mark-up of the bill the decision not to include nuclear language upon introduction and his commitment to addressing the issues at the committee level. Senator Warner stated:

“I take a second place to no one in recognition of the importance of nuclear energy and indeed my State has been a leader. I think, Mr. Chairman, I can safely say, with your acquiescence, that in the due course of the committee's deliberation, that issue will be taken up, but for practical reasons at this time we made a decision not to incorporate those provisions we had in mind in the bill.”

Yet Senator Boxer has long been a staunch opponent to nuclear power, and in fact, voted against the McCain-Lieberman bill in 2005 because of the nuclear provisions included in the bill. Katharine Mieszkowski, on reported on June 23, 2005 about Sen. Boxer’s opposition to McCain-Lieberman, writing:

“Another vote switcher, California Democrat Barbara Boxer, said she voted against the amendment this time because it included nuclear energy alongside wind and solar as sources of 'clean' energy. ‘The nuclear industry is once again knocking on Uncle Sam’s door asking for federal subsidies to pad their bottom line,’ she said in a statement. ‘We should oppose the nuclear industry’s latest effort to raid the public purse. Nuclear power is not the solution to climate change, and it is not 'clean.' The nuclear industry has not solved its waste and safety problems. By subsidizing the creation of new nuclear plants, we are condoning the creation of more waste and turning a blind eye to the hazards associated with nuclear power. . . . The nuclear industry has already benefited from $145 billion in federal subsidies over the last fifty years. Truly clean and renewable sources of energy, such as wind and solar, have received just $5 billion.’”

Apparently, this bill is a house of cards that is tenuously held together by nuclear power, a fact supporters try to ignore.

"Senators are going to be asking the American people to pay more for home energy and pay higher prices at the gas pump for no climate benefit. This bill will simply result in real economic pain, for no climate gain." - Senator James Inhofe.

Momentum Fades as Opposition Grows:

Widely respected non-partisan Charles River Associates (CRA) issued a November 8 analysis of Lieberman-Warner global warming cap-and-trade bill (S.2191) that reveals it will cost $4-6 trillion dollars in welfare costs over 40 years and up to one trillion per-year by 2050.

American Council for Capital Formation's (ACCF) new analysis on November 8 of the Lieberman-Warner bill finds the bill will lead "to higher energy prices, lost jobs and reduced GDP (gross domestic product)."