If Democrats have their way in passing global warming legislation this year, the United States “would lose between 1.2 and 1.8 million jobs in 2020 and between 3 and 4 million jobs in 2030," according to a new study conducted by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Job losses would result because of “lower industrial output due to higher energy prices, the high cost of complying with required emissions cuts, and greater competition from overseas manufacturers with lower energy costs.” The new study comes at a time when the beleaguered Lieberman-Warner climate bill (S.2191 - America's Climate Security Act) looks to be headed for a cameo appearance on the Senate floor in June only to be shelved and passed on to another Congress. (See: Boxer Waves White Flag on Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill )
Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment & Public Works Committee, today commented on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) revision of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ozone to .075 ppm (parts per million).

“Today’s announcement by EPA will have a severe economic impact on Oklahoma and the nation for too little environmental gain” Senator Inhofe said.
Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Barbara Boxer conceded today that the Lieberman-Warner global warming cap-and-trade bill would be pulled if “weakening amendments” are added during the scheduled June 2008 floor debate. Boxer’s pledge today appeared to signal the 2008 exit strategy for pulling the Lieberman-Warner bill (America's Climate Security Act - S2191) Greenwire reporter Darren Samuelsohn described Boxer as “pledging to punt the issue into 2009 if any amendments get added that weaken the legislation.”

“Boxer made combating global warming her top priority after she became chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee” reported an October 19, 2007 article in the Sacramento Bee. Political reality now appears to be denying Boxer the achievement of her “top priority” during the current Congress.

USA Today and the Los Angeles Times provided hope today that the media may be turning away from hyping alarmism and platitudes on environmental issues and instead offering the public fair and balanced information. The first hopeful report is from USA Today on the science and politics of listing polar bears under the Endangered Species Act, and the second is an editorial from the Los Angeles Times stripping bare the rhetoric and reality about cap-and-trade legislation.

First, the article in the USA Today presents a very accurate picture of the polar bear and its possible listing on the Endangered Species Act. Reporter Oren Dorell commendably lays out the latest science, politics and cultural impact surrounding the polar bear controversy.

Watch Live: Heritage Foundation Discussion on Yucca Mountain

Inhofe Staffer to Participate on Panel

Friday March 7, 2008

The Heritage Foundation is hosting an event this morning at 10:30am on “Yucca Mountain and the Nuclear Renaissance: Assessing the Safety and Viability of a Vital National Asset.” The event will be available to watch live on the Heritage Foundation website by clicking here.

Here are the basics as provided by the Heritage Foundation:
Scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears meeting at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City described the “absolute horror stories” about how some scientific journals have engaged in “outrageous and unethical behavior” in attempting to suppress them from publishing their work in peer-reviewed journals. The March 2-4 groundbreaking conference, which featured about 100 speakers with over 500 people attending, presented the report of a team of international scientists who formed a group to counter the UN IPCC. [Note: The author of this report attended and participated in the conference.] The event, which garnered significant international and U.S. media attention, featured many current and former UN IPCC scientists from around the world. (See: “Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate” and see climate declaration signed by the scientists at the conference here.)

The climate conference garnered the attention of many media outlets including: The New York Times; BBC; Washington Post; ABC News; Associated Press; Reuters; China Post; CNSNews.com; CNN; New York Sun; Fox News; Times of India; Czech’s Ceske Noviny; Investor's Business Daily; Canada’s Financial Post; United Press International; WorldNetDaily.com; and the Wall Street Journal. (Note: Some of the mainstream media coverage reached bottom quickly – See CNN’s Miles O’Brien accuses scientists at conference of being ‘Flat Earthers’ – LINK )

Some of the mainstream media coverage, including several articles in New York Times, presented fair coverage.
Last night Senator Inhofe discussed global warming alarmism and eco-terrorism with Michael Savage. Miss the interview? No problem, click on the link abote to listen now.

After you have listen to the interview, take a look below and read more about the severe economic impact the Lieberman-Warner bill will have on American families if Democrats have their way. Check out the US Senate Minority report featuring well over 400 scientists disputing man-made global warming claims. And check out the section below on Senator Inhofe’s work combating eco-terrorism. We have included several links below as well as a few YouTube clips of Senator Inhofe speeches on global warming and TV interviews [ Click Here for Sen Inhofe's YouTube Channel ]. We think you will enjoy them.

Here at the Inhofe EPW Press Blog we have been reading – with great interest, and to be honest, a little amusement – the media’s coverage of our blog post, “Earth’s ‘Fever’ Breaks: Global COOLING Currently Under Way.” The blog post was simply a round-up of several articles/blog posts reporting on the news that temperatures this past winter have been lower in temperature. Yet this blog, with that title, was enough for the New York Times and Las Vegas Sun to use for a lead in a story and the Las Vegas paper to write an editorial.

From the tone of their pieces, we think they will be a little surprised to learn that we applaud and congratulate them on getting the story right: seasonal temperatures are no indicator of climate trends.

Of course, we wish they would have better understood our position. One only needs to look at last year’s media coverage of a warmer winter versus this year’s coverage to understand our point. When newspapers were writing about a “warmer winter” in 2007, where was the New York Times and Las Vegas Sun slamming the use of warmer seasonal temperatures as proof of global warming?

Consider this round-up of articles from roughly the same time period last year:
Last night Senator Inhofe was a guest on the Michael Reagan show and discussed eco-terrorism in light of the recent news out of Washington State.

Through his position on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Senator Inhofe conducted hearings on eco-terrorism and crafted bi-partisan legislation to provide law enforcement the tools they need to adequately combat such radical extremists’ dangerous tactics. The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act was drafted with technical assistance from counter-terror experts at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

On November 27, 2006, President Bush signed into law Senator Inhofe’s legislation, S. 3880, which expands criminal prohibitions against the use of force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises and increases penalties for violations of these crimes.