Nov 18 2015

I am excited to announce the second annual Congressional App Challenge for high school students! This competition tests students coding skills by challenging them to design an app for mobile, tablets or computers. The competition is designed to engage students’ creativity and encourage their participation in STEM education fields.

Nov 18 2015

Last week I spent Thursday as "Principal for a Day" at Shepard Middle School in Deerfield to learn first hand about the impact that education policies have on our schools. I filmed a quick video answering an important question about providing opportunity for all students.

Nov 17 2015

The United States has a long and proud history as a nation of immigrants, especially providing safe haven to political and religious refugees. The Syrian refugee crisis is a tragedy and the United States has an important role to play ensuring that these refugees are safe. Our first and foremost priority, however, must be ensuring the safety of the American people.

Nov 13 2015

This week we had the opportunity to recognize heroes in our community. Anybody who puts their life on the line for our country is a true hero. We must do more to recognize and serve them. We also had the opportunity to recognize the every day heroes in our community at the Tenth District Leadership Awards. Click to learn more.

Nov 13 2015

Tonight my heart, and the collective heart of our nation, is in Paris. In the face of these growing threats, the United States must lead the fight with our allies to quell the tide of terror and demonstrate that we will not tolerate affronts to human dignity or global security, wherever they may occur.

Nov 10 2015

This Veterans Day, we honor veterans who have risked their lives to protect our freedom. More than 35,000 of our nation's 22 million veterans live in the Tenth District of Illinois. These brave men and women put their lives on the line. Without them, our world would likely look very different today.

Nov 06 2015

This week Congress again proved what is possible when we set aside partisanship and actually get to work for the American people. We advanced a long-term transportation re-authorization to help improve our nation’s vast system of roads, bridges, railroads and other public transportation systems.

Nov 03 2015

Last week, we passed a short-term transportation authorization extension. That's good news, but short-term extensions are not enough and continuing to govern from crisis to crisis is detrimental to our great nation. Watch this week's Ask Bob video to learn more.

Nov 03 2015

Israel is under attack, and I believe it is crucial that we stand behind our closest ally in its time of need. That's why I'm proud to be a cosponsor of H.Res. 293. This important bill makes it clear that the United States House of Representatives will stand with Israel in the face of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Authority.

Oct 30 2015

This week we took a few major steps toward ending the harmful cycle of lurching crisis to crisis so we can get back to working hard for hardworking taxpayers. While our work is far from done, this week proves what is possible when we empower thoughtful, independent leaders.