Mar 23 2016

This week, we had the opportunity to talk with hundreds of pro-Israel advocates from the 10th District who were in Washington D.C. for the annual AIPAC Policy Conference. The 10th District of Illinois is home to one of the most passionate pro-Israel communities in the nation.

Mar 22 2016

Today we mourn with the people of Belgium. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims in Brussels following yet another terrorist attack at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists. But thoughts and prayers without action is not enough. In the face of another disgusting display of cowardice, we must unite against the hatred.

Our nation's retreat from global leadership has left ISIS with more fighters, money and land than al-Qaeda had leading up to 9/11. Following the attack today in Brussels and last year in Paris, the United States must stand up for what is right, reassert ourselves as global leaders and prevent future attacks on our allies.

Sadly, the ISIS inspired attack in San Bernardino last year also tragically demonstrated how quickly this threat can come to our shores. We cannot afford to be a step behind the terrorists - we must act before terror strikes. That's why, last night, the U.S. House of Representatives proactively voted to strengthen our international security measures by passing The Counterterrorism Screening and Assistance Act of 2016. This legislation will help ensure the safety of the American public against terrorists and foreign fighters.

Of course, there is much more that must be done. American safety and security will always be my number one priority in Congress. Simply standing by and hoping for peace is not a strategy, and there is far too much at stake to continue the status quo of absence and abdication of authority.

I promise you - we will not stop until we destroy ISIS and ensure the safety of all Americans. Terrorism will never win as long as we stand united for human dignity and against their twisted ideology.

Mar 09 2016

Real leaders bring people together, united behind the common mission of improving our country. To that end, I'm committed to finding bipartisan solutions that will make Washington more efficient, effective and accountable.

Mar 09 2016

We must do more to prevent students from becoming addicted to prescription drugs. Among my work on your behalf this week, we hosted a bipartisan solutions summit on innovative ways to educate students about the perils of drug abuse. At the summit, we joined with CVS to launch their "One Choice" program.

Mar 03 2016

Following the introduction of our new bipartisan anti-BDS legislation, this week we hosted a community forum with more than 200 people in Northbrook on new fronts in the battle against anti-Israel BDS. The strength of the U.S.-Israel relationship is not about left versus right; it is about right versus wrong.

Mar 01 2016

We can't ignore the problems in Flint, Michigan. The residents of Flint, and all Americans, are right to demand more transparency and better communication from officials at all levels of government. We should not accept anything less.

Feb 26 2016

Lali's Law will increase access to a life-saving overdose antidote called naloxone. When used, naloxone helps restore breathing that has been stopped by an overdose. Working together we can truly save lives.

Feb 16 2016

The Combating BDS Act of 2016 empowers community leaders and individuals who seek to counter the hateful targeting of Israel, while sending an unquestionable message about our steadfast opposition to BDS and strong support for those who stand up for Israel.