Jul 14 2015

I spent this morning reading the Iran deal that the United States and other world powers agreed to today. Because of this deal, the world is more dangerous and war is more likely. Congress can and must step forward to reject this dangerous pact. Click to read the deal and decide for yourself.

Jul 13 2015

As an Eagle Scout and avid outdoorsman, protecting the environment is extremely important to me. This week's email comes from Raymond in Round Lake.

Jul 10 2015

We shouldn't be using federal dollars intended to help our children to bail out state legislators who can’t agree on a fiscally responsible budget. My legislation passed this week would put a stop to this horrible practice and ensure we are giving our most vulnerable children the best chance to succeed.

Jul 07 2015

This week’s question is about the BDS movement, which is a misguided, hateful weapon used to delegitimize Israel and those who stand with her. Watch my response.

Jun 30 2015

June is Immigrant Heritage Month. In honor of this month, and the 4th of July, I asked just a few of the thousands of immigrants in our community to share their story & talk about what makes our nation such a special place.

Jun 30 2015

This week's question is from Roger in Round Lake. He asks: “Will you please join your house colleagues by supporting the 21st Century Cures bill and help to ensure that the NIH and the FDA have the resources and tools they need?”

Jun 26 2015

This week I spent time with small business owners in our district to see firsthand how they are strengthening our communities and growing our economy. I remain committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to fix policy in Washington so that we can do a better job of empowering our entrepreneurs and innovators.

Jun 23 2015

As an Eagle Scout for many years, I know firsthand that we must all work to strengthen conservation programs and other policies that protect our environment. That’s why this week’s question is so important to me. Watch to learn more!