Oct 27 2015

Over the past five years, I have made several trips to Israel because I believe it is essential to be on the ground, see things firsthand and discuss the security challenges our nations face together. I will always stand by our friends in Israel because the U.S.-Israel relationship is not about left vs. right; it is a right vs. wrong issue.

Oct 27 2015

Too often, politicians in Washington forget that their political posturing hurts real people. That’s why I set aside politics and helped lead the effort to reopen the Export-Import Bank. As an original co-sponsor of this legislation, I’m thrilled that the House has decided to side with American small businesses and workers. Now, the Senate must make the same commitment.

Oct 15 2015

The Tenth Congressional District has many advantages but undoubtedly our greatest resource is the people. That’s what the Tenth District Leadership Awards is all about – recognizing the every day heroes that make our community an amazing place to live, work and raise children.

Oct 14 2015

While our friends in Israel simply wish to live in peace and security, the ever-present specter of violence can turn daily life in Israel upside-down in an instant. During this difficult time, it is particularly important that we step forward and stand by Israel as it works to restore safety and security for its people.

Oct 09 2015

As the father of three children and the son of a school teacher, working to ensure quality education for children in all of our communities is a top priority of mine. Among my work on your behalf this week I had the opportunity to focus on how we can increase opportunity by improving our schools and making college more affordable.

Oct 07 2015

If Congress does not act by the end of the year, an arbitrary deadline set by Congress could have a crippling effect on our economy and on your daily commute. I'm working to make sure this doesn't happen. Watch this week's Ask Bob video to learn more.

Sep 30 2015

A core responsibility of Congress is establishing a yearly budget for the federal government to live within – something that households, businesses and hard-working Americans around this country are forced to do every day. I’m proud to say that, unlike two years ago, Congress was able to put people before politics to keep the government open.