My #1 priority as your representative in Congress is to ensure our community is safe, healthy and strong. Over the past 2 years, we’ve written and passed 3 bills to do just that which President Obama has now signed into law.

But our work is far from done. Here are just a few of the bills that we’re working hard to build bipartisan consensus for to make a real difference in our community:

  • The Stand Up for Students Act prevents career Springfield politicians from using our local schools as their personal ATM. Right now, they’re taking federal dollars earmarked for 10th District schools and using that money to pay unrelated expenses created due to decades of financial mismanagement. Our bill prevents this corrupt tactic.
  • The Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abusers Act closes a dangerous loophole that is making death 5x more likely in domestic abuse situations. We’re working to protect victims of domestic abuse and get survivors the resources that they need.
  • The Great Lakes Water Protection Act is a commonsense, bipartisan solution to keep the Great Lakes Clean. Our bill prevents sewage dumping in the Great Lakes so that future generations can continue to enjoy all that Lake Michigan has to offer.
  • The Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act helps connect people struggling to find work with local businesses. This innovative approach to decreasing unemployment helps small businesses hire more people and gets people in our community back to work.
  • The HELP for Students and Parents Act helps make college education more affordable. Our new approach to student loan repayments helps students repay their loans faster and for a lower total cost.

These are just a few of the bills we’re working on. Together, we can also pass innovative solutions to reduce gun violence, reform our broken immigration system and strengthen Medicare for future generations.