News Release

Press Release of Senator Crapo

Crapo to Meet with Coeur d'Alene Diabetes Advocates

Supports Continued Type-1 Diabetes Research at National Institutes of Health

Contact: Lindsay Nothern
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Coeur d’Alene – Idaho Senator Mike Crapo will join Coeur d’Alene advocates to discuss efforts to support continued research on Type 1 Diabetes at the National Institutes of Health.  Local advocate Carson Magee has worked with Crapo, a member of the Senate Diabetes Caucus, to support efforts that maintain funding for the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) at NIH.


For almost twenty years, SDP has worked to improve the lives of the more than 29 million Americans who have diabetes.  The program - comprised of the Special Diabetes Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research and the  Special Diabetes Program for Indians –  has provided a solid return on a modest federal investment.  As diabetes continues to be one of the most costly diseases to the nation – both in human and economic terms – the SDP funds research that is leading directly to new insights and therapies that are improving the lives of those with diabetes and accelerating progress towards curing and preventing the disease. The program is also making a tremendous difference in the health of American Indians and Alaska Natives, who are disproportionately burdened with Type 2 diabetes at nearly three times the rate of the national average.


Along with Magee, Crapo will lead a discussion on the importance of maintaining this program in future budget discussions coming before Congress in the coming months.


Wednesday, November 2:


Group Discussion

11:00 AM

Senator Crapo, and local diabetes advocates led my Carson Magee

Senator Crapo’s Coeur d’Alene office

610 Hubbard Street, Suite 209

Coeur d’Alene


Last updated 02/09/2016