
Opening Remarks

Today –

  • Following leader remarks, the Senate will be in morning business.
  • Note: There will be no roll call votes on Thursday.


Senator Reid: (10:03 AM)

  • Spoke on the Republican Congress.
    • "President Obama is the first president to be denied a hearing on his budget. He's the first president to be denied a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee. President Obama is the first president to be asked to show his birth certificate. President Obama is the first president to face over 500 filibusters here in the Senate. In this Republican Senate, President Obama will receive fewer nominees confirmed than any president in many, many decades. Republicans have not done their basic work of government. They have not stood by their commitments to restore regular order or to pass a budget. Republicans have spent their time doing everything in their power to discredit President Obama and empower Donald Trump. That's not a legacy that any senator should be proud of."