Home > Featured News > Congress approves $1.1 billion to fight Zika

The U.S. House of Representatives approved Wednesday spending $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus.

The U.S. Senate passed the measure earlier in the day.

The Continuing Resolution agreement includes $1.1 billion to combat the spread of the Zika virus and will keep the government running through Dec. 9.

Rep. David W. Jolly, R-Fla., released a statement about the passing.

“Tonight’s action is critical for Florida and is long overdue,” Jolly said. “The Zika (virus) outbreak is a public health issue, not a political one. Though politics have prevented us from approving an emergency funding package earlier this year, Congress tonight did the right thing. The measure approved tonight will provide funds for mosquito control, for vaccine development, and health care services for women, children, and families affected by Zika (virus). We may need more money in the coming months, but Floridians can finally rest easier knowing steps are being taken to fight this virus.”

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