H.Res. 822: S. 304 - Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act [Conscience Protection Act of 2016]; Senate amendment to the House amendment to S. 764 - An Act to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act [GMO Labeling Requirements]



MANAGERS: McGovern/Foxx

114th Congress

2nd Session


H.RES. 822

Report No. 114-686


S. 304 - Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act [Conscience Protection Act of 2016]

Senate amendment to the House amendment to S. 764 - An Act to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act [GMO Labeling Requirements]

  1. Provides for the consideration of the Senate amendment to the House amendment to S. 764.
  2. Makes in order a motion offered by the chair of the Committee on Agriculture or his designee that the House concur in the Senate amendment to the House Amendment to S. 764.
  3. Waives all points of order against consideration of the motion.
  4. Provides that the Senate amendment and the motion shall be considered as read.
  5. Provides one hour of debate on the motion equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Agriculture.
  6. Closed rule for S. 304.
  7. Provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  8. Waives all points of order against consideration of the bill.
  9. Provides that an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 114-61 shall be considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read.
  10. Waives all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended.
  11. Provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.
  12. Waives clause 6(a) of rule XIII (requiring a two-thirds vote to consider a rule on the same day it is reported from the Rules Committee) against any resolution reported on the legislative day of July 14, 2016 or July 15, 2016.



Resolved, That upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to take from the Speaker's table the bill (S . 764) to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes, with the Senate amendment to the House amendment thereto, and to consider in the House, without intervention of any point of order, a motion offered by the chair of the Committee on Agriculture or his designee that the House concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment. The Senate amendment and the motion shall be considered as read. The motion shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Agriculture. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the motion to adoption without intervening motion.

Sec. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the House the bill (S. 304) to improve motor vehicle safety by encouraging the sharing of certain information. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 114-61 shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce; and (2) one motion to recommit with or without instructions.

Sec. 3. The requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII for a two-thirds vote to consider a report from the Committee on Rules on the same day it is presented to the House is waived with respect to any resolution reported on the legislative day of July 14, 2016, or July 15, 2016.