Syrian Chemical Weapons Use Videos

Attached are 13 videos compiled by the Intelligence Community (IC) from videos taken in Damascus, Syria following the use of chemical weapons on August 21, 2013.

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Warning: These videos contain disturbing images of dead bodies, including children. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Methodology – Selecting and Obtaining the Videos: Each of these 13 videos explicitly claim to show victims of a chemical or poison gas attack. At the request of Chairman Feinstein, these videos were selected by the IC to depict a representative range of YouTube content posted regarding the reported 21 August chemical weapons (CW) attacks in the suburbs of Damascus, Syria. All of the videos were posted on YouTube by pro-Syrian opposition users. With one exception, all 13 videos were posted by a pro-opposition Internet news channel that consistently posts user-created videos concerning the Syrian conflict. The news channel does not primarily generate content, but instead re-posts content originally posted by others.

These videos were shown to the Intelligence Committee on Thursday, September 5.

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Copyright © 2006 United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence