Keputusan untuk #TimeIsNow

Teratas / Semua
  1. Foto · Lihat semua
  2. atomsoffice: nbenitez1977: RT avilafavila: #...

  3. Gracias por apoyar la . Por favor sigue luchando por . vía

  4. .. Don't wait on nobody . Take what you know is yours

  5. "How can you be involved in making the light of Christ known locally where you live?"

  6. Consider engaging 's reflection series with a friend or group

  7. Catch up with video series . explores how God works throughout time:

  8. My reflection today

  9. One more question. Was Reebok the news or was CM punk last weeks delayed announcement. Lots of red tape with Punk. actually

  10. Middleweight or welterweight is a possibility, says . But no weight class set. HUGE news!

  11. . Deja de imponerte el 75% de Americanos apoyan la vía

  12. Have you ever experienced God’s faithfulness to you in difficult circumstances?

  13. Check out my daily online reflections

  14. My statement to on their vote to stop the President today.

  15. NEA : As educators, we welcome aspiring Americans in our classrooms and schools every day.

  16. BREAKING: NEA Letter to the House on HR 5759. Educators demand

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