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Jeb Hensarling
Fighting to control spending & tax increases while advancing the principles of family, free enterprise, and freedom.
Jeb Hensarling 3. dec.
The temporary tax bill passed by the House today highlights the need for fundamental reform.
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Jeb Hensarling 21. nov.
Tonight, President Obama self-admittedly ignored the law & the will of the American people with his :
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Jeb Hensarling 19. nov.
I am humbled by the support and trust of my colleagues as I continue my service as chairman of the .
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Jeb Hensarling 14. nov.
I hope the Senate & White House will finally put Americans before politics and approve .
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Jeb Hensarling 12. nov.
ICYMI- My op-ed in the : Wean Business Insurers off Terrorism Risk Insurance Act ->
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Jeb Hensarling 11. nov.
is an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to those patriots who’ve answered the call to defend us.
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Jeb Hensarling 13. okt.
My op-ed w/ in today's : End of Wright amendment is a victory for free-market approach
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Jeb Hensarling 3. okt.
Our top priority must be to keep our citizens safe and mitigate an outbreak.
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Jeb Hensarling 25. sep.
Eric Holder’s decision to step down as Attorney General is long overdue.
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Jeb Hensarling 17. sep.
To read my statement on why I voted in favor of the McKeon amendment, click here:
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Jeb Hensarling 16. sep.
ICYMI- My interview on 's earlier today.
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Jeb Hensarling 11. sep.
No matter how many years go by, we'll the lives lost or the families who still mourn & miss them dearly.
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Jeb Hensarling 28. aug.
Joining tonight to discuss on 7:40pmCDT & 10:40pmCDT. Hope you'll tune in.
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Jeb Hensarling 2. aug.
Tonight, the House acted to address the . Time for Senate to come back & do the same:
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Jeb Hensarling 23. jul.
Joining on at 9a ET to discuss today's hearing on . I hope you'll tune in.
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Jeb Hensarling 22. jul.
Just because POTUS may not like a law – even one he was architect of – doesn’t mean he can unilaterally change it:
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Jeb Hensarling retweetede
Fox News Opinion 22. jul.
. Derailing the American Dream since 2010: Thanks a lot, |
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Jeb Hensarling 19. jul.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to tour the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas. Learn more about my visit here:
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Jeb Hensarling retweetede
Financial Services 10. jul.
WATCH LIVE HEARING—> “Legislation to Reform the Federal Reserve on Its 100-year Anniversary”
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Jeb Hensarling 9. jul.
is the Chief Executive of the United States and therefore has the power and obligation to :
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