

Following a House vote, Congressman Lamborn urges House Leadership to schedule a vote on energy before the House adjourns for the August district work period


One Minue on Energy

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Congressman Lamborn and Mrs. Lamborn

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Washington, Aug 3, 2008 -

Congressman Lamborn (CO-05) continues to admonish House Democrats as they make plans to adjourn for the August district work period without bringing any energy legislation to the House floor.  After the House of Representatives voted 213-212 to adjourn, with no Republicans voting in the affirmative, Congressman Lamborn offered the following statement:

 “I am disappointed that the Democrat House Leadership would consider adjourning for the August district work period without allowing a vote to drill for more oil and gas to supply energy to the American people. This is totally unacceptable, and I join my Republican colleagues once again in demanding a vote on important and necessary legislation regarding domestic energy production in the United States.  All eyes are on Congress to act now as America endures the pain at the pump each day.