
Lamborn Wins

Achieves perfect score on key pro-family and pro-life votes


Washington, Oct 22, 2008 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) received a score of 100% on his congressional scorecard for key House votes on pro-family issues and was recognized by Family Research Council (FRC) Action and Focus on the Family Action as a “True Blue” Member of Congress. Congressman Lamborn issued the following statement in light of this award:

“I am honored and humbled to receive the True Blue Award from Family Research Council Action and Focus on the Family Action for a second time. These two esteemed organizations are vital proponents of family values and I appreciate their many contributions to our society. The family is the bedrock institution of our culture and must be closely guarded and continually strengthened. As a member of the Values Action Team and Pro-Life Caucus, I remain committed to defending family, faith, and freedom.”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Tony Perkins, the President of FRC Action, released the following statement in regards to members who have received this award:

“The Members of the 110th Congress who received this award have been consistent, stalwart allies of American families. These Members are to be commended for supporting public policy that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family.

“I applaud these Members for defending pro-family and pro-life policies that have been under attack this past year. Values voters should be encouraged by these Members who have shown a commitment to protecting and strengthening the family.”—Tony Perkins, FRC Action President

One of only two members in the Colorado delegation to achieve a 100%, Congressman Lamborn received this award for the second time because of his pro-life and pro-family votes. These votes reflect the member’s voting record in the 110th Congress and include issues from human cloning prohibition to defending restrictions on funding international abortion groups. For a copy of the complete scorecard, please visit
