



Congressmen on West Steps

Congressman Lamborn attends Energy Rally

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Washington, Sep 8, 2008 -

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) today reissued his call for Congress to vote on a comprehensive energy bill that would lead America to energy independence.
“While Americans continue to make tough choices in order to fill their gas tanks each week, the Democrats in Congress still have not scheduled a single vote on comprehensive energy legislation. Unfortunately, the drill-nothing Democrat Majority seem to be planning on politics as usual this month. The American people want to shake up Washington, not settle for more of the same from Congress. Our top priority this month must be to send the President a bill to open up our country’s vast natural resources for energy exploration and drilling. We need to use American energy so we will have lower prices at the pump and independence from foreign oil.”- Congressman Doug Lamborn
Congressman Lamborn reissued his call for energy independence from the steps of the U.S. Capitol today along with several dozen Republican Members of Congress.  
In August, most Members of Congress were working in their districts. However, 136 House Republicans remained in Washington to conduct an unprecedented revolt on the floor of the House. They drew attention to the need for a comprehensive energy bill: HR 6566, The American Energy Act. Congressman Lamborn cosponsored HR 6566.
The American Energy Act calls for a three-pronged approach to reducing energy costs:
-      Producing new American energy
-      Promoting more conservation and efficiency
-      Encouraging the use of more alternative fuels