

Latest effort from Lamborn to remedy the LMDT situation


Washington, Mar 7, 2008 -

Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) led the Colorado delegation in a request to the Committee of Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall (WV-03) and Ranking Member Don Young (AK-At Large) to schedule a hearing to review H.R. 5511, the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Remediation Act of 2008. A hearing would help show the need to expedite this bill through the legislative process. The bill would address the problems associated with the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel (LMDT) and protect the citizens of Colorado.

"We believe that this legislative solution can help alleviate this problem, but quick action is of the utmost importance. The blockage of a federally owned mine drainage tunnel is setting the stage for what we believe is a fully preventable environmental disaster and threat to human life. We cannot sit idly by as this situation continues to worsen. We must act now and move this bill forward in the legislative process." – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Congressman Lamborn along with Congressman Mark Udall (CO-2) introduced H.R. 5511, the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Remediation Act of 2008, which would direct a long-term solution to the LMDT situation while addressing the environmental concerns associated with the contaminated water in the LMDT. Congressman Lamborn has been actively engaged in working with local leaders and with federal agencies, including the Bureau of Reclamation and the Environmental Protection Agency, to immediately find a solution to alleviate the water pressure in the LMDT. Also, he petitioned President Bush to intervene in order to prevent a potential human and environmental disaster.
