

Congressman Lamborn and other RSC Member Cosponsor a Constitutional Amendment to Control Wasteful Washington Spending


Washington, Apr 15, 2008 -

Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05), along with other members of the fiscally
responsible Republican Study Committee (RSC), cosponsored a constitutional amendment designed to control wasteful Washington spending. 

“With tax day here, we are reminded of the financial burden taxes place on hardworking American families.  The passage of the Democrat budget has imposed the largest tax increase in America’s history by implementing a $683 billion tax hike on American families and businesses.  Democrats believe that throwing money at a problem will result in solving all of the government’s problems.  American families and businesses do not need another raid on their wallets because of the majority’s lack of fiscal discipline. The fact is Washington has a spending problem and it is time we demand fiscal restraint. American families should be able to keep more of their hard-earned money, and they should be free to determine the best way to invest in their dreams and their futures, not bureaucrats in Washington.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) 

RSC Members proposed this amendment aimed at restraining federal spending as part of its Taxpayer Bill of Rights initiative.  The projected growth of federal spending is unsustainable and threatens the standard of living for the next generation of American families.  By 2040, taxes would need to double in order to pay for the compounded spending if the federal budget is left on automatic pilot—and that’s assuming no more additional spending is created. 

Just as every family in America must make difficult choices in developing a secure family budget, the amendment introduced by the RSC forces the government to establish a reasonable limit to the growth of federal spending.  In essence, the spending limit amendment would prohibit federal spending from growing faster than the economy.  Though it could be suspended if a declaration of war is in effect, or by a two-third vote of Congress, the amendment is meant to provide real restraint and encompasses all federal spending.  
